Usopp's Dream Part 1

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Not only was I by myself, I was by myself in the middle of a freakin' forest!

"Damn it," my teeth began to chatter. "How did this happen?" One minute, the whole crew was enjoying their time on the island, the other, the Marines arrive and broke the crew up in groups.

I ended up by myself.

I hid in the nearby trees, and went as far as I could before telling myself I was safe. I leaned against a tree to catch my breath.

Suddenly, something caught my eye. It appeared to be a trail going deeper into the forest. With no other options, I decided to follow it. The dirt trail lead to an open field, and I searched for the other end. But what I saw was more helpful.

A house. A log cabin in the middle of the field. It looked as though it was abandoned. Vines grew over the rotted wood. The shingled roof had massive holes in it. There wasn't even a door.

Walking up to it, I peered inside to see if anything lived in it. The way the inside appeared told me that it was a SOMEONE.

There was a table with two chairs and and a small stove with a pile of dirty pots next to the old sink, which was leaking. A bed laid in the corner with a stack of books next to it. The floors seemed pretty clean except for the part where the holes in the roof came into play. I spotted about 20 boards in the other corner with a box of nails and a couple of tools. Whoever lived here was planning to fix this place up.

I decided to help them out so maybe when they come back, they'll help me in return.

It wasn't but an hour later when someone called out to me.

I hammered away on some of the boards to patch the roof the best I can. At least it would keep most of the weather and debris out.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing to my home!!!??"

The voice scared me so bad, I slipped on one of the shingles and tumbled off the roof. I face-planted the hard ground.

"Ow..." I groaned, and I turned myself on my back, only to find a foot on my already broken nose. "Hey, hey! What are you doing?!" I complained, and pushed the foot off my face. I shot my eyes up to find myself face to face with a young woman.

She had long straight brown hair with her bangs almost covering her big brown eyes. She wore a pair of blue glasses that slipped a little down her nose. Her mouth was shaped in a pouting position.

"Serves you right." she huffed. "What do you think you were doing to my roof? It's already bad as it is and I don't need you messing it up even more!" I pushed myself to my feet and rubbed the back of my head.

"For your information, I was helping you out by fixing it a little." I pointed out. The annoyed look on the girl's face grew. "You call that fixing?!" she yelled, and she snatched the hammer out of my hand. "You've got a lot of nerves if you call yourself a builder of some sort."

Then, she stormed off through the open doorway. Reluctantly, I followed, for I still needed her help, sadly. "Hey, wait!" I called. She jerked around with an angry look. "What do you want, you long-nosed freak?"

I shot a finger. "Hey, don't make fun of my nose. Anyway, I don't want to be here just as much you want me gone. So let's make a deal."

She crossed her arm and put all her weight on one side. "Alright, I'm listening."

"I need to get back to my friends, but I've lost my way in this forest and I need you to help me get out."

"How did you get separated from your friends?" The girl asked. I cleared my throat. " being chased by Marines got separated." I tried to put it in words that didn't make it sound like I was a coward.

"Marines?" her voice shook a little, which confused me. "I'm sorry, I can't help you if you are involved with Marines." Her eyes narrowed and she fixed her glasses nervously. My eyes widen. "What? Why not?"

She shot a look at me. "Because I'm the daughter of a pirate, that's why!"

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