Once the territorial wolf is gone, the situation of small animals no longer being cared for in the territory and being coveted by other animals ends abruptly in the senior year of high school.

Everyone seems to know how busy senior high school students are and how important the college entrance examination is. The proportion of time spent on answering questions and writing test papers... is slowly increasing in Shi Li's life.

Especially, brother Ozawa is very good.

He was admitted to the best university in Beijing. He knew many foreign languages ​​when he was a child. He was still proficient in these languages ​​when he grew up. He even applied for special admissions and became eligible to go to Europe as an exchange student in his sophomore year.

Occasionally, I can still hear the chat between my father and my eldest brother. Mr. Gu brought his son out to discuss cooperation today. It is estimated that as soon as he graduates from college, he will slowly take over the family business like his eldest brother.

They are only two years apart,

but there is so much difference.

Obviously they went to the same kindergarten, the same elementary school, the same middle school and high school.

Shi Li thought that he seemed to have been trying hard to catch up with the other party. He didn't know why, but he also wanted to become better, because the people in his family were all powerful and great.

He also wants to study harder and get into the best school.

Then what?

Shi Li was a little confused.

After finishing college step by step, should you go to work step by step? What will he do in the future?

Continue to stay in Beijing and stay at home?

he does not know.

What pulled Shi Li out of his deep thoughts was the old man's laughter, "Look how good that young couple is."

He pulled his wife's old and wrinkled hand.

The old lady also smiled and patted the grandfather's hand, "As we get older, having a companion is more reassuring than anything else." She said, "Xiao Li!"

"Don't always read in books, look outside more often."

Shi Li gave a smile. The dimples at the corners of his mouth became more obvious as he grew up. Before he could speak, he heard the old man laughing and saying, "The headphones are playing too loud!"

After the boy reacted, his ears I immediately became excited, took off the Bluetooth headset I was wearing, and lowered the sound to the lowest volume. "Sorry, I'm used to listening to this when I go out."

I didn't expect that there would be sound leakage.

"It's already this time, let's go back."

They supported each other to stand up, waved their hands, refused Shi Li's support, and used crutches to call the little Pomeranian home.

Shi Li watched the old couple slowly walking away under the lamp, and said loudly, "Lele, go home."

The little Bichon's hearing was not as sharp as before, and he shouted several times before Lian Lian came back. Reluctant Lele called back.

Its energy was not that strong anymore, and it kept lying on the carpet of the car on the back seat without moving.

Shi Li bent down slightly and felt relieved when he heard the gentle "gurgling" sound that Lele would make when he fell asleep. He reached out and pinched the little Bichon's furry ears.

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