!! Yr 3 !! (~Maps and mishaps~)

Start from the beginning

Y/n stands up and looks into the sky with a huge grin on her face. She twirls around, laughing and smiling. Her friends watch her in awe as she looks like she's glowing in happiness. Unbeknownst to them, a certain green eyed booger brain was watching the girl spin around, a small smile forming on his own lips.

 He couldn't wait to see her cheering him on at his quidditch game this afternoon.


It was raining much harder than before and everyone was making their way to the quidditch pitch for the game, excited chatter filling the air. Many students were wearing raincoats or made their wands into umbrellas as the weather had gotten worse.

Y/n excused herself from her friends to go check on Eliza, making sure she was okay in this weather. She finally found the small girl and ran over to her quickly.

"Liz! Liz, are you alright? Where is your raincoat?" The small girl looked at Y/n with a shrug.

"I don't know. I think my dorm-mate took it...their all mean." 

Y/n looked at her in shock. 'A mean hufflepuff? A hufflepuff...being mean to lizzy?' Someone was going to get a piece of her mind after the game that's for sure. She focused back on Eliza.

"Here take mine, I'm already wet anyway." She takes off her raincoat and puts it on the younger girl carefully. 

"Thank you" Eliza says, hugging the older girl before getting pulled away by her friend. Y/n waves and smiles at the two young girls walking away from her. Before she can get too far, the girls come running back.

"Y/n can you sit with us please? Please, please, please, please, pleaseeeee" Eliza drawls out the last 'please'. 

Y/n looks back at the slytherin sitting area and just shrugs, "Fine. Only because you asked so nicely. Let me jus-"

Y/n turns around and accidentally collides with someone.

"Woah, watch yourself," The person says, hands catching her elbows. Y/n looks up to see a handsome hufflepuff bloke staring down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Right, sorry. Bye!" She stood up properly and runs up to the hufflepuff sitting area, dragging Eliza and her friend with her as they snickered behind her from the rapid blush forming on Y/n's heated skin. They all take a seat and Y/n turns to Eliza's friend. "So what's your name?"

The small blue eyed and brown haired girl looked up at Y/n, slightly intimidated. Especially since she was wearing slytherin robes. "I-i'm Valerie." she stuttered out. 

Y/n smiled, trying to make her more comfortable as she held her hand out for the girl to shake. "Y/n." Eliza smiled widely at her best friend and "mother" getting along. 

Halfway into the game, a time-out was called by Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor team captain, as it just kept raining harder and harder by the minute. Luckily, Gryffindor was leading with fifty points more than hufflepuff.

"I can barely see!" "Why is it raining so hard?" "We're all magic, can't someone just fix the weather?" Y/n heard a few people around her start to complain as the game started, clearly pissed off about the rain.  

This went on for a few moments until the game was resumed, though it was hard to tell because they could barely hear the commentary over the loud rain. Y/n could see very vague outlines of the players through the rain, but still couldn't quite see her seeker. 

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