Eerie Secret Garden Song

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Shona Akaashi, the youngest of the Akaashi siblings, often observed the children in her village playing. However, her focus wasn't on the ones who easily found friends or who were part of the popular volleyball teams. She watched the kids who were left out, forgotten, or simply neglected by their peers. She could see the same longing and loneliness in their faces each time she visited.

As the clock struck midnight, Shona began to sing. Her voice was eerie, haunting, yet enchanting, meant to beckon the lonely, the forgotten, and the neglected children to her side.

🎶"Come Little Children I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment"🎶

A strange and mystical pull emanated from her voice, leading those children who had no one else to her.

🎶"Come Little Children The Time's Come To Play Here In My Garden Of Shadows"🎶

Laughter and giggles filled the night as the children followed Shona like she was the Pied Piper, leading the lost souls.

Meanwhile, Shona's older brothers, Keiji and Hajime, observed this peculiar nightly ritual. Hajime turned to Keiji, concern in his eyes. "Aren't we going to do something about this?"

Keiji replied calmly, "No, this is what she does. Let her be."

Back with Shona, she continued her haunting melody, leading the children further into the night.

🎶"Follow Sweet Children I'll Show Thee the Way Through All The Pain And The Sorrow"🎶

Keiji watched in amazement as even kids from rival volleyball teams like Konoha and even forgotten players joined his sister on this mysterious journey.

Hajime wondered, "Huh? When did we have forgotten members? Oikawa always makes it his mission to include everyone."

Keiji responded, "We know he does, but do you, as the vice-captain?"

As Shona led the children to a secret garden, she sang on.

🎶"Weep Not, Poor Children, For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty And Passions"🎶

The kids were blissfully following Shona, feeling loved and finally finding a place where they belonged.

🎶"Hush Now Dear Children, It Must Be This Way
Too Weary Of Life And

In her secret garden, they could play, laugh, and forget their sorrows. Shona's brothers watched from the shadows, still puzzled by this enigmatic tradition.

When they heard her singing again, they couldn't help but follow her, silently observing her and the children.

🎶"Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land Of Enchantment"🎶

Shona's eerie yet captivating voice continued to beckon the lost souls, and her secret garden became a sanctuary for those who had been forgotten and neglected by the world.

Shona's brothers, Seijiro, Keiji, and Hajime, remained hidden, unable to resist their curiosity as they observed their sister and the children in the secret garden. The night was illuminated by a soft, otherworldly glow as Shona continued to sing her enchanting melody.

🎶"Come Little ChildrenThe Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden Of Shadows"🎶

The garden was a place of solace, where the children felt a sense of belonging and acceptance that had been absent in their lives. They played and laughed, their worries and loneliness fading away.

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