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--March 15, 2012 - The Nick is Weird Chat --

Providence 16:45
11:30 PM
What do you think happened to Carol Jefferies?

That's not right!
11:30 PM
Who knows? I bet her dad killed her. Stuffed her under the ice of a lake or something.

Providence 16:45
11:31 PM
No dude. That's too simple. Our town is weird. I bet something else happened.

Plus also, the last place someone saw her was on the edge of town near the forest.

That's not right!
11:33 PM
So like Bigfoot? GTFOH. It was her dad. Or her mom. Maybe both. Belong to that cult and they did some kind of ritual and they killed her. Some kind of blood thing. I bet.

Providence 16:45
11:34 PM
How do you know they belong to the cult?

That's not right!
11:34 PM
I don't. But it tracks better than bigfoot.

--hATE has entered the chat--

I am what I yam

Providence 16:45
11:35 PM
hATE! You're back!

I am what I yam
11:35 PM
Yep! Well, I wanted to keep an eye on you little bastards scurrying about.

That's not right!
11:36 PM
We were just talking about Carol Jefferies.

I am what I yam
11:36 PM
I can see that. I can see all!

Providence 16:45
11:37 PM

That's not right!
11:36 PM
Tell me where my virginity is then. I lost it last year.

I am what I yam
11:36 PM
1. No you didn't.
2. I see all <i>in the chat history,</i>

I am what I yam
11:36 PM
HTML tags didn't work ...

That's not right!
11:37 PM
They're off and on right now for some reason.

I am what I yam
11:37 PM
Can't believe I am not paying for this chat!

Providence 16:45
11:37 PM
... Worth every penny.

That's not right!
11:37 PM
hATE, what do you think happened to Carol?

I am what I yam
11:37 PM
No clue. Thought I'd stop by here and see what everyone else thinks. But the chat is kinda empty? Just you guys and no history.

Providence 16:45
11:38 PM
Must have glitched out. There were tons of people here earlier on. Most people seemed to think it was ... (Guess MFs!)

That's not right!
11:38 PM

Providence 16:45
11:38 PM
Ding ding ding!

I am what I yam
11:38 PM
Camel gets the prize!

Providence 16:45
11:38 PM
Some people said her parents. but mostly it was aliens. Most of it was boring stuff though. Like 'what happened to her' and 'aliens'.  That was pretty much it. One guy insisted it was bigfoot working with aliens and everyone is like, stay in your lane. Cause really. Might as well say fairies took her at the command of aliens.  They're like separate genres.

That's not right!
11:40 PM
That's it?

I am what I yam
Fairies? Like Tinkerbell?

Providence 16:45
11:41 PM
One guy had something different. It was really weird though.

Providence 16:45
11:41 PM
Not like Tinkerbell. Like the scary ones from Celtic Mythology and stuff. The kinds that used to take kids and leave changelings behind.

That's not right!
11:42 PM
Who was the weird guy? What did he think?

Providence 16:45
11:41 PM
Screen name was RayGun.

I am what I yam
I know RayGun. he's alright. not too weird.

Providence 16:45
11:43 PM
If you say so.

He was saying aliens took Carol too. But he also says that he thinks aliens took the whole town. Like everyone in the town and the town has been kidnapped by aliens.

That's not right!
11:44 PM
I call bullshit. The whole town is still here.

Providence 16:45
11:50 PM
Yeah, that's what we said too. Like its very clear we are all still here. We're going to school and work and the town is still here and getting power from the state power grid and we get TV on cable and from Pittsburg and Ohio. People drive out of town to go to work every day! The hotel has people staying there who are travelling through to go other places on Earth.

But he said that was all a big simulation like on star trek that the aliens have put on. We're wherever the aliens have taken us to in like a biodome or something.  The people who were in town when the aliens took us are the only people here. When you call your aunt in Cleveland, that's an alien or a robot or a simulation or something pretending to be your aunt. Same with the people that come into town to visit. TV signals and the internet are the same thing - fake alien broadcasts to keep us calm.

When we try to leave, they like take us at the border of the town and run experiments on us. Like implant memories in our minds so that when we come back, we think we went to a concert in New York or Disney or whatever. But we were in their labs being experimented on.

Or they replace us with androids that look like us and act like us.

He figured that something went wrong with Carol and the aliens, and that's why she disappeared.

That's not right!
11:55 PM
That's not how aliens work, man. In all the books they always take a small number of people or one person at a time when they are all alone. They don't take whole towns. Also, the people on Earth are going to notice a whole town gone and freak out. Not good for the aliens if they are trying to keep a low profile.

Providence 16:45
11:57 PM
We said that too! But the dude was convinced. He went on and on. I gotta be honest, he was so enthusiastic about his theory that it made me doubt myself for a second.

I am what I yam
A whole second, huh?

Providence 16:45
11:59 PM
Well, maybe not a <i>whole</i> second.

Providence 16:45
11:59 PM
Stupid HTML!

I am what I yam
11:59 PM

--August 22, 2023August 22, 2023August 22, 2023 - The Nick is Weird Chat--

--March 16, 2012 - The Nick is Weird Chat --

Providence 16:45
00:01 AM
Did you guys see that? The date changed and it got all messed up.

That's not right!
00:01 AM
WTF? Why's it so glitchy?

I am what I yam
00:01 AM
Must be aliens.

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