"But if you want me.. I mean if you've lusts for me.. I can bed you. Afterall we're married." He said and if the anger growing inside wasn't enough, I felt his finger on my scar again which made me conscious again.

I pushed him from his chest when he tried to move his hands more inside my blouse.
"Fuck you." I said with eyes full of anger.

He smirked sarcastically and said- "That's the plan baby."

"Bastard. You know what. Go away, go sleep in another room. I don't care. I'll manage on my own just fine." I said and took the clothes which were on floor and handed him over while directing him outside the room.

"Sleep tight little wife." He said walking towards the exit.

"I hate you." I closed the room on his face and went to bed.

It's weird seeing how my childhood crush is turning into hatred.

Abhiman's POV

Ofcourse I had to get out from there. I cannot sleep on one bed with her. She ignites me in a different way. Everytime I'm around her, I lose my senses, like she does some kind of black magic on me.

I didn't care about her back pain or anything but when I saw her tears, I couldn't resist but help her. And massaging her was the worst idea.

Her skin felt like silk.

But when I accidentally slipped my hand inside her band, I felt something. Like a scar, a big and a rough one which was properly covered inside her blouse. She shivered insanely when I touched her scar. I could feel her pulse shoting up and her chest doing up and down. I was confirmed that she was scared and probably afraid.

But of what?

I had to feel it again, just to confirm what I touched was really a scar. I took the opportunity and came closer to her again for one last time. This time also her body reacted to my touch and it was the last hint I needed to confirm.

The scar is not on her body but on her soul. I wanted to ask her but couldn't-

I was in the shower rethinking her three words- I HATE YOU. Not her words but even her hazel eyes which shows all her emotions everytime, showed some kind of hate it in them.

It's good though.. because she wouldn't even let me touch her if she knew who I was. What a monster I was. And how many murders these hands has done.

There were two reason, i was scared to let people in; the damage they could do and the damage they could find.


The first time I heard this three words.. it was way too painful. Maybe because it was from different certain someone.

I got the flashbacks of that night again.

We graduated that day and it was our last day there. We decided to get drunk and enjoy like any other day we did in our club. While, I thought to propose her as I was confirmed that she was my only love of the life. My enchantress.

She had me wrapped around her finger.

We were in a relationship since 5 years now and I wanted the whole world to know that she was mine.

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