[007] god's punishment

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                            But before it could successfully get her, a shadow grabs her attention and Suki looks towards it. The shadowy figure bends down and Suki sees a flash of blonde hair, realizing that it was just Courtney. The girl looked genuinely concerned as she cups Suki's face and forces her back into reality. Suki takes deep breaths to try and calm herself while she locked eyes with Courtney.

                             "I was worried about you. What the hell are you doing out here?" Courtney questioned.

                             "I was chasing after the deer. Didn't you see it?" Suki answered.

                             Courtney looks around but there was no sign of any deer. It was just the two of them in the dark and creepy woods. "I don't see anything. Are you sure?"

                             "I know what I saw! It was big and it had glowing eyes. And there was flesh on its antlers," Suki responded, holding onto Courtney. "How could you not have seen it?"

                             "Okay, that's enough. There's no fucking deer. You're tired and hungry and you're seeing shit. I don't need you going crazy on me, Suki. You're the only one I have left out here. I can't lose you," Courtney snapped.

                             Suki nods. She was sounding a lot like her mom and look where she had ended up. "I'm here. I promise I'm here."

                             Courtney sighs in relief before she stands up, helping to pull Suki up to her feet. Suki grabs her hand but she quickly grows concerned when Courtney holds onto her side all over again.

                             "You need to sit down. Let's go back with the others," Suki says, slinging Courtney's arm around her neck and helping the blonde walk with her.

                             Courtney wasn't in that much pain anymore but she still allowed Suki to hold onto her anymore. Having Suki so close to her and being taken care of like this felt nice. Plus, Suki taking care of her meant she wouldn't have to worry about Natalie anymore. So really, this whole injury was proving to be more of a bonus than a disadvantage.

                             "I'm sure the plane has an emergency transmitter sending out a distress signal. They'll be here to rescue us by morning," Shauna declared by the time the other girls came back, sitting down next to each other.

                             "Still... maybe we should conserve some food?" Jackie asks, frowning as she looked over a very grumpy Van eating corn chips. "In case they don't get here till later in the day?"

                             "You want to save the corn nuts?" Van scoffed which immediately shut Jackie down.

                             "I can't wait to get out of there," Courtney says, flipping her hair over her shoulder while Suki continued to look around for any sign of the shadow people or even the deer.

                             "Hey, are you alright?" Lottie questioned, looking over at Suki and frowning in concern.

                             "I'm fine," Suki quickly answers, looking back down at her hands. "You haven't seen anything weird, have you?"

                             "No... why? Did you?" Lottie asks her.

                             "No," Suki answers, once again quickly. "Just, uh, forget I even asked."

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