"Oh my God, Hanni, I have to call an ambulance!"

Sunoo came immediately and so did the servants, but when the strong pain hit her for the umpteenth time, Hanni couldn't take it anymore. Darkness immediately engulfed her, making her unconscious.


When Minji got the call, she was in the middle of an important meeting. She immediately forgot everything and rushed as fast as she could to the hospital where Hanni was taken. Panting, Minji ran to the emergency room and almost collided with Sunoo.

Minji gasped for breath and looked at Sunoo, who looked pale and anxious.

Minji saw blood. Blood on Sunoo's arm and white shirt, "Why is there blood on your clothes?" Minji's voice trembled, holding back the growing sense of anxiety.

"Hanni- Hanni is bleeding. I carried her..."

Bleeding? Why is there blood? Unwillingly, Minji's mind drifted back to years ago when Kim Minji had a miscarriage. The same bleeding, the same pain.

"Where is Hanni?!"

"The doctor is still treating her."

"Kim Minji," Yunjin's gentle voice interrupted her. "Hanni's condition is critical. The doctor said there was something wrong with her placenta position, which caused the bleeding. They are trying to deliver the baby."

"What about Hanni?" Minji's voice sounded like a groan of pain.

"Hanni has been unconscious since she was brought into the ambulance, Minji," Yunjin looked at Minji anxiously, "They are trying their best inside."

Yunjin turned to the operating room in the corner with a red light above it, "All we can do now is pray."

Pray? Minji hasn't prayed in a long time. She used to pray before.

Her dark soul used to be pure and white. Believing that God existed and was always available to help her. But God wasn't there when Kim Minji, her former love, passed away. God wasn't there.

That's what Minji believed after burying Hong Eunchae, burying all the beliefs she used to hold.

Minji threw away her heart, becoming a dark-hearted, evil person, and then gradually her character changed into cruelty. No one could touch Minji's compassion anymore. Until Hanni's father came and showed her a picture of her daughter to offer her.

Minji realized the resemblance even though Hanni's appearance in the photo was different from Eunchae with her thick glasses and short hair. Minji didn't deny that when she made the marriage agreement at Hanni's age of twenty-five, it was purely because she wanted to make Hanni a replacement for Eunchae.

But then for some reason, Minji fell in love with Hanni, she didn't know since when. Maybe since she always received surveillance photos from Sunoo that made her realize that Hanni had grown into an independent woman. Maybe after the tremendous love on their first night or maybe after their marriage. Minji didn't know.

What she knew for sure was that Hanni was in her heart. The heart she had thrown away before. It turned out that her heart had been there all along, waiting to be filled again.

Now, her wife and child are fighting for their lives in the operating room. All Minji can do is wait here like a fool. Her wife and child.

Oh my God! Even Minji always closed her eyes, pretended not to acknowledge the existence of the child, always looked away when looking at Hanni's bulging belly every day.

Hanni struggled alone during her pregnancy. Far from what Minji did when Eunchae was pregnant, she took care of her, she watched over her every step of the way. Ensuring that Eunchae was healthy and happy every second.

Now, to Hanni, her beloved wife, Minji has done something terribly evil.

What if there is no chance to fix her mistake later?

God, if He really exists, Minji is willing to pray every second for Hanni's safety.

"If Hanni cannot be saved..." Minji's voice choked in her throat, "I have never said that I love her."

Sunoo lowered his head, not knowing how to comfort his boss who was anxious.

Meanwhile, Yunjin secretly held back her tears. So this woman, who was said to be so cruel and evil, actually loved her wife. It turns out Kim Minji loves Pham Hanni with all her heart.

With all her heart, Yunjin prayed, 'You must live, Hanni. Your wife is here worrying about you. She looks so distressed; she used to be evil and cruel with a black heart, but you have slowly lifted her into the light. If you leave her now, she may fall into an even darker abyss.'


Minji flinched and looked at Sunoo. Her body became even more tense.

Was that her baby's voice? The baby cry so loud.

Suddenly the green light came on. A nurse came out and called her, "Mrs. Kim Minji."

Minji was taken into the inner room of the operating preparation area, which separated the waiting room from the operating room.

"This is your daughter, Miss Kim."

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