(20) twenty

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"Hanni, someone wants to meet you," Sunoo suddenly appeared at the door, distracting Hanni from her thoughts.

Yunjin appeared behind Sunoo while carrying a handsome little boy who was probably only two years old. The child looked like an angel with his glowing pale brown eyes, Jay's eyes.

"I heard the little prince's due date is near, two weeks from now, right?" Yunjin entered, gently placing her son on the sofa and hugging Hanni.

Since her marriage to Minji, Hanni has been close friends with her, and Minji let it be because Yunjin was Hanni's only friend.

"How are you doing, dear?"

they sat on the sofa, facing each other, Yunjin's eyes looking at Hanni's bulging belly, "You have to rest a lot and take care of yourself. The beginning and end of pregnancy are the most important times."

Hanni nodded and smiled, "I hope this child is strong. I just feel dizzy and nauseous all the time."

Yunjin laughed, "I felt the same thing when I was pregnant with my son, but not at the end of the pregnancy," she affectionately glanced at her first son who was now jumping off the sofa and playing with blocks on the carpet that he brought from home.

"The secret is in mint tea and salty biscuits. Eat that every morning and you'll be able to overcome your morning sickness."

"Thank you, Yunjin," Hanni touched Yunjin's arm, which was truly sincere in her words.

Day by day, Hanni was with Minji, who always acted like the baby was never in Hanni's stomach. Now it feels so pleasant to be able to talk and share her complaints with a friend who understands her.

Yunjin looked at Hanni sympathetically, "What about Minji?"

Yunjin knew the story about Kim Minji, of course.

Hanni sighed, "She acts as if this child doesn't exist. And she has never once said that she loves me. I'm not sure if I'm just a replacement for Hong Eunchae or..."

"Hanni," Yunjin gently interrupted, "Sometimes there are people who can't express love in words. Have you ever expressed your love to Minji?"

"No way! She'll crush me if I say it," Hanni's cheeks turned bright red.

Yunjin smiled, "And do you love your wife, Hanni?"

"I don't know," Hanni held her chin, which began to feel hot, "My feelings have changed. I used to hate her so much, but then I faced the reality that she wasn't like what I thought. Then I looked at her better. Now I even miss her when she's not around, is that love, Yunjin?"

Yunjin's smile softened, "I've been in a position where I questioned my feelings too. It does feel confusing, Hanni. I hope you realize your feelings first before asking Minji to explain her feelings."

Hanni nodded her head then the cramp attack came. It was only a moment like a hit that was so hard. When Hanni moved her body, the hit was felt again, harder and more painful. Then she felt wet, strangely wet.

She heard Yunjin's surprised voice and followed Yunjin's gaze towards the middle of her thighs.

There, blood was oozing out and soaking her clothes. Her face turned pale, would her baby be born earlier than the estimated date? But as far as Hanni knew, the process of giving birth was not like this, usually preceded by broken amniotic fluid or bleeding, but not bleeding like this.

When she felt the continuous pain hitting her over and over again, Hanni narrowed her eyes. The blood kept flowing, continuously and continuously until it soaked her skirt. There was something wrong here!

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