"because we know you!" paris exclaimed. "we know you'd never try in a class."

"apparently you don't know me enough." jamie shot back. paris stayed silent. "now can you please leave us the fuck alone?"

"fine." paris replied, coldly. "have fun studying."

"we will, thanks!" jamie faked a smile at her. paris rolled her eyes before grabbing chris' hand and leading him away from matt's room. matt got up and closed the door again. 

"god, they're so annoying." he scoffed. "ever since you found out, they've been extra annoying about being together. i've walked in on them making out too many times."

"you walked in on what?" jamie finally snapped back to reality. she tried not to let the fact that chris and paris have been kissing get to her. they're dating. she thought. of course they're going to kiss.

"i'm sorry." matt sighed. he realized that he should have kept that fact to himself. "want to watch netflix?" he asked her. jamie shook her head.

"no, i have to go." she said, quickly. "i can't stay here. thanks for inviting me over, matt. i'm sorry it didn't work out."

"hey, don't worry about it." matt gave her a soft smile. "i'll just come over to yours next time."

"that works!" jamie smiled back. "i love you, i'll text you later." she gave matt a hug, to which he embraced her gently.

"love you too, j." he replied. "be safe."

"i will." jamie nodded before exiting the bedroom. she could hear muffled giggles coming from chris' room. her eyes stinging with tears, jamie ran down the stairs, almost running into nick at the bottom.

"jamie?" nick asked before seeing the tears in her eyes. "oh my god, come here." he reached out for a hug to which jamie gratefully accepted. he heard the laughs coming from upstairs before sighing. "god, they cannot take a break. are you okay?" he asked her. jamie shrugged.

"i don't know. i thought i was fine, but then..." she trailed off, remembering the glare that paris gave her earlier. after jamie told her to leave them the fuck alone. it was a look of pure dislike."i miss her." she said. nick gave her a sympathetic look.

"hey, you still have me. and matt. and carol and isaiah, too. we're all here for you." he gave her one more hug. "i'll make a group chat with all of us later, okay?"

"okay." jamie replied before taking a breath. "i'll see you tomorrow, nick."

"see you, james."

jamie walked back to her house, feeling slightly better. her mind raced over the conversation she had with paris earlier. how the two looked at eachother with distaste. she thought about how just three months ago, they were inseperable. just three months ago, jamie was crying to paris because it would've been her and chris' four year anniversary. just three months ago, paris hated chris. 

later that night, jamie sat on her bed, finally finishing the sketch of chris' eye that she hadn't touched in the past five days after the first day of school. she shaded the final touches of dark blue around the edges of the iris and put her colored pencil down. just as she was about to close her sketchbook for the night, her phone vibrates with messages. 

nick - nick <3
isaiah - zay!
caroline - carol :P

nick <3 added you!

nick <3

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