[001] my ride or die

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                                    Her mom had a bad feeling about Courtney, one Suki didn't really listen to. But then again, her mom always had bad feelings about things. Terrible nightmares too. She'd take pills but Suki didn't know why at the time. It would only be until much later that Suki would learn that her mom often suffered from delusions. It was known around town and that was part of the reason why kids didn't hang out with Suki, scared that she'd end up just like her mom. But at the age of eleven, Suki thought her mom was perfectly normal.

                                    By the time she turned thirteen, that quickly changed.

                                    The day her mom killed herself, Suki noticed that she had been acting weirder than usual. She was withdrawn, hardly eating, even mumbling to herself. Suki was worried about her. Even her dad had noticed that something was wrong. And yet, he still let Suki go with her mom for a little drive. He thought the both of them were coming back. He couldn't have been more wrong.

                                    Suki knew that something was wrong when her mom drove to a more rural area. She had been eerily quiet, a determined look in her eyes. Suki had a bad feeling but she was doing her best to ignore it. Another terrible mistake.

                                   "Mom, what are you doing?" Suki asked. "Where are you taking us?"

                                   "They're coming for you, Suki. They're going to take you away from me," her mom finally spoke after hours of silence.

                                   "What? Who?" Suki questioned, more confused than ever.

                                   "They're in the wilderness, waiting for you. They're in the darkness. They want to take you and keep you forever. But I won't let them," her mom shook her head. "No, I won't let them take you."

                                    "Mom, you need to slow down," Suki warned.

                                     But she only drove faster, driving off of the road and towards the lake. That was when true panic and fear began to set in for Suki. She knew that her mom wasn't going to stop. This wasn't the mom she knew and loved. The woman driving them straight to their doom was a completely different person. 

                                   "I'm doing this for you, Suki. For us. I'm saving you from the darkness. It has me but I won't let it take you too. I won't let it take you too!" her mom exclaimed.

                                    Suki was crying, seeing her life flash before her eyes as her mom sped towards the lake. She tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge at first. Suki was convinced that she was going to die, her cries and pleas doing little to nothing to stop her mom. Her mom was determined to die and she was going to take her precious daughter with her. At the last minute, however, the door opened and Suki rolled out of the car to make her escape.

                                    She rushed to her feet just in time to see the car go into the water, sinking deeper and deeper into the water. Her mom was still trapped inside, just as she had wanted.

                                   "Mom!" Suki exclaimed, rushing towards the lake in an effort to try and save her mom. But it'd be useless. Suki stopped just inches away from the lake when she realized that there was nothing she could do. She couldn't go in the water since she couldn't even swim.

                                    Suki waited for her mom to emerge from the water, injured but alright. She was holding onto the hope that somehow her mom managed to survive. And yet, there was no sign of her anywhere. She was gone. She had killed herself and if she had stayed inside that car, Suki would have died with her.

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