Snuggles and cuddles

308 4 16

Your pov

"Babe I want cuddlesss" Apollo wasnt paying much attention to you today. So you decided to annoy him until he does. You tried obnoxious singing, jumping around and all that but he didn't even look at you. So you went for the last solution you had. "Babe I'm gonna go out with *insert a guys name*" Apollo immediately looked at you. "Nope you are not going" you smirk knowing you won. "Then give me attention" apollo sighs but goes up to you and wraps his arms around you and kisses you. "Happy?" You shake your head "cuddles" "alright" apollo carries you bridal style and plops you on the bed before laying there himself. You snuggle against him and nuzzle your head into his chest and he chuckles and wraps his arms around you pulling you Close. "I love you" "love you too dear" and you both fell into a deep sleep

HIIII!! First chapter!! This isn't rlly a long one but eh. Not bad. Anyway word count! 170

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