Chapter 5

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Porsche pov

Porsche then return to his village.. and notice something is wrong.. Porsche then see the butcher shop is open.. Porsche walk towards the butcher shop then stop immediately as he hear Edgar's voice from the inside.. Edgar groan in pain and say.. 'I.. I don't know.. All I know is Porsche live around this area with his father.. Porsche is a dragon rider..' One of the Razacs then ask again.. 'Where is he?!' Porsche watch closely from outside.. Edgar then reply back.. 'I don't know!' Porsche feel shock as he see Edgar got kill by those Razacs.. Porsche accidentally hit something and quickly hide under the house as one of the Razacs run towards the door.. Porsche remain silent under the house until Razacs leave.. Porsche suddenly remember his father and quickly run away to save his father from Razacs.. As Porsche run.. Shruikan fly down and catch Porsche then fly again.. Porsche then ask.. 'Vegas! What the hell is wrong with you?! What the hell are you doing?! Drop me off now! I need to save my father!' Shruikan then say.. 'No! I won't let you to do that because its you they want Porsche! Don't be crazy!' Porsche try to get off but fail then yell again.. 'Drop me off now Vegas!' Shruikan then say.. 'No! They were here to kill you! I won't let you get kill!' Porsche then sit on Shruikan's back and say.. 'Let me go Shruikan!' Shruikan then yell.. 'No! Don't be stubborn Porsche!Its already too late! There's nothing you can do to save your father!' Porsche then say.. 'Im falling Vegas!' Shruikan roar and let down his tail and say.. 'Stop being nonsense! Hold on tight Porsche!' Porsche then yell again.. 'Just drop me off already!' Shruikan then yell.. 'Stupid boy! You really give me no choice then!' Vegas drop Porsche off.. Porsche then fall onto the dry grass and run away.. Porsche arrives at his village and feel shock as he see his father is already dead.. Porsche then cry and quickly hug his father then say..' Pho! Please wake up! Don't leave Porsche yet! Who is going to take care of me after this?! Pho!' Porsche shake his father with no respond.. Porsche then put his head on his father chest and cry again.. Vegas go inside and say.. 'Porsche...' Porsche then turn around and look at Shruikan with anger and yell.. 'Leave me alone Vegas! You are the reason why my father is dead! Go away! I don't want to see you anymore! Leave now!' Vegas walk backwards slowly and fly to the sky... Porsche hug his father and mourn again..

Odin then grab Porsche and say.. 'We need to leave now boy! Come on!' Porsche push the old man away and say.. 'No! Im not going to leave him alone here!' Odin then take a torch then burn Porsche's father body and say.. 'Its all done! Come on boy! You will die if you stay!' Porsche then groan as he got drag out by Odin.. Porsche then stop walking as he see his village is already burn.. Porsche then speak in his heart.. 'Im truly sorry Pho.. I fail to save you from those monsters..' Odin then say.. 'Come on boy! Get on that horse! We need to leave!' Porsche then yell.. 'No need to force me! I don't know who the hell are you! Just leave me alone! I can survive by my own!' Odin then grab Porsche's clothes and reply back with a stern voice.. 'Listen up here boy.. Im trying my best to save your life here.. If you didn't want to end up like your father.. Get on that horse and ride! Don't waste your time here Porsche!' Porsche then get on the horse and ride with Odin..

After 10 minutes of riding.. Odin and Porsche get into the forest.. Both of them get down from the horse and take a break.. Porsche then ask..' What are we doing here anyway? Why are we stopping here? 'Odin then say..' We need to take a rest first.. Horses also need to rest.. 'Porsche then reply back..' Who are you? It seems that my father know you.. 'Odin sigh slowly and reply back..' Your father is my friend.. Not only you who are fail to save him but so am I.. The reason why your father got killed is because King Bahamut is looking for you.. Since he can't do it by his own.. He asked his favourite minion to do it for him..' Porsche frown and ask again..' Who is that person? If I see him, I will kill him with my bare hands! 'Porsche start to feel angry again as he remember his father death.. Odin sigh and say..' Don't look for trouble Porsche.. Think about yourself and your dragon.. '

Porsche scoff and reply back..'That dragon is the reason why my father is dead! Shut up if you didn't know anything!' Odin then say.. 'Your dragon was trying to protect you from Kinn and Razacs!' Porsche is about to ask but got interrupt by Odin.. Odin then say.. 'Kinn is one of Bahamut's loyal servant Porsche.. Kinn isn't a human but a shade.. Shade is someone who is possessed by an evil spirit.. You can't kill him just like that Porsche.. Razacs are still around here to kill you.. You need to be really careful!' Porsche then ask again..' How do you know all of these? Who are you actually? 'Odin chuckle and answers back..' Who am I its doesn't matter Porsche.. All that matters is you and your dragon.. Now.. I want you to call your dragon.. 'Porsche shake his head and say..' There's no way my dragon can hear me.. He is too far away now since I chased him out 'Odin look at Porsche with a serious expression and ask..' Should I force you to do it huh? And.. Shall we have an agreement not to lie towards each other now? I know well your dtagon aren't that deaf.. He still can hear you no matter how far he is.. Call your dragon!' Porsche roll his eyes and look at the sky and speak in his heart..' Vegas? Can you hear me? Can you find us Shruikan? 'Vegas then communicate with Porsche and say..' Of course my rider.. I never leave you.. 'Vegas then fly above them and land on the grass.. Odin turn around and smile at Vegas.. Porsche walk towards Shruikan and touch his face gently and say..' Im truly sorry my little one.. I didn't mean to hurt you just.. Please forgive me na krub.. 'Vegas nuzzle his head towards Porsche' s palm and reply back.. 'Its not your fault my rider.. I can feel your pain.. And I understand you.. You love your father very much..' Shruikan then look at Odin and ask.. 'And.. Who is this old man?' Porsche then communicate with Vegas and say.. 'His name is Odin.. I guess he knows about dragon..' Shruikan then ask.. 'Oh.. Are you sure about that one? Fine then.. I will judge about that..' Vegas roar in front of Odin and make Odin flinch.. Porsche smile at Shruikan and say.. 'Calm down my little one.. I think he is a friend and we can trust him..' Odin is about to touch Vegas but flinch again as he hear Shruikan's low roar.. Porsche rise his eye brows and ask.. 'What's the matter Odin?' Odin then reply back.. 'Well..let me tell you something about this dragon..' Odin then walk towards Vegas and stand in front of him then say... 'He will protect you from now on..'

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