4-Avengers: Endgame-1

Start from the beginning

"Ah, BBQ sauce is the best" said Natasha.

Clint looked at her "hell no mustard" her said.

"We'll settle this later" said Natasha, Clint nods.

"This is gonna be a long debate" said Alex shaking her head.

[Camera switches to Laura facing Nathaniel]

"It's male, mum" said Alex playfully.

Natasha rolled her eyes, Laura's husband died not long before Nate was born so Laura named Nate after her husband and technically Natasha as well.

Laura Barton: Mayo or mustard?

"Still wondering who puts mayo on a hot dog" said Alex confused.

Nathaniel Barton: How about tomato sauce?

Laura Barton: Tomato sauce? [Camera switches back to Clint and his niece] I can do tomato sauce.

Clint Barton: Mind your elbow. [Lila releases the arrow and it hits the target directly in the bullseye, Alex cheers for her cousin.] Hahaha! Good job, Hawkeye. Go get your arrow.

Laura Barton: Hey guys! Enough practice, soup's on!

Clint Barton: Alright, we're coming; we're hungry. [Clint looks behind him, but there's no one there, but dust being blown away by the wind.] Lila, let's go. [Clint starts to look around] Lila? [Clint starts to move and look around, and pick up the bow she had.] Laura? [Clint looks around to see Laura and the boys, only they are gone now. He looks seriously panicked and confused as he hurriedly drops the arrows and jogs over to where they were.] Hey, Laurs! Laurs? Laurs? Boys? Boys? Laura?

Clint's face contorts into one of anger, Thanos had really taken his whole family except Natasha so far as he was aware anyway, "this is what you were telling us about?" asked Alex, Stephen nods.

Alex Barton: (jumping down from the tree) Dad?

[Clint looks at his daughter as Alex turns to dust.]

Natasha looks like she's about to cry she lost her daughter, her sister in law, and neice and nephews, Clint notices and hugs Natasha as she cries quietly.


[Marvel Studios Opening sequence begins with Dear Mr. Fantasy playing. Only the heroes who survived the snap are shown.]

[Scene switches to Nebula and Tony on the ship playing paper football]

Nebula: Wrra! [Nebula, frustrated, puts her hands in a fighting stance while looking at Tony.]

Tony Stark: You don't need to do that. Because uh... you're just holding position. [Nebula flicks a paper football towards Tony] Oh yeah, that was close. [Nebula once again flicks a paper football towards Tony] That's a goal. We're now one apiece.

Nebula: I would like to try again. [Nebula flicks a paper football towards Tony]

Tony Stark: We're tied up. Feel the tension? It's fun.

[Tony poorly flicks a paper football towards Nebula]

Tony Stark: That was terrible. Now you have a chance to win. [Nebula flicks the paper football towards Tony]

Tony Stark: And... you've won. Congratulations. [Tony reaches his hand out to shake Nebula's hand]

Tony Stark: Fair game. Good sport. [Nebula shakes Tony's hand] Have fun?

Nebula: It was fun.

"Normally i would say something but you know I just witnessed my self die, so not that bothered right now" said Alex.

Clint Barton/Alexander Potter (HP x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now