Chapter 5: The Revenge of Jessica Hilton

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The two girls waited outside for Monte to pull up in his pickup truck. When he did he rolled the window down and Dani could tell he was surprised to see her.

"Oh hey Dani", Monte said with no emotion.

"Hey Monte.", Dani said sarcastically and kind of mocking him.

"What's up with you two", Davi asked being able to read a room.

"Nothing but hey I'm gonna stay somewhere else. Call me Davi.", Dani said as she started to walk away.

"What! Where are you going?", Davi asked kind of relieved.

"Oh I can just stay at Jessica's it's no big deal really. You two have a good night. I been there done that on Monte so I'm really chilling off going with him.", Dani said.

Monte rolled his eyes and Davi went to hug Dani.

"Meet back here tomorrow after school, don't go home.", Dani said.

"Do you want me to go too?", Davi asked.

"Yeah, just wear something of Monte's though. Can I get a ride to Jessica's?", Dani asked.

"Yeah whatever.", Monte said annoyed.

Monte started driving and Davi could feel the molly still. They arrived at Jessica's and Jessica walked outside and started banging on Davi's window. Davi rolled it down.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?", Jessica asked with an angry tone.

"Girl what?", Davi asked confused on why Jessica was angry with her.

"You think a new haircut and a new wardrobe makes you hot shit? You're fucking my ex and hanging out with my friend?", Jessica asked.

Dani tried to calm Jessica down but Jessica was already saying she was going to beat Davi's ass. However, Jessica pulled out her phone and took a picture of Davi in the passenger seat next to Monte.

"Let's see how Luke likes this picture.", Jessica said with an evil grin.

"Bro stop being a bitch Jessica", Monte said with anger.

"Jessica stop it.", Dani said trying to reach for her phone.

"No, this little freshman thinks she can storm into our lives and that we'll just accept her like she wasn't the girl who hung out with Angela the feminist.", Jessica said laughing.

"Why do you care who i used to hang out with?", Davi asked getting kind of fired up.

"Bitch let's see you run at the hands the way you do at the mouth", Jessica said.

Davi flew her car door open and it knocked Jessica back onto the ground.

"You wanna fucking fight me!", Davi yelled at the top of her lungs.

Davi then jumped on Jessica before she could get back up and started pounding her fist into her face.

Jessica was trying her best to fight back but Davi wasn't letting her get any hits in. Davi was so angry and into beating Jessica's ass that she didn't even see Dani recording on her phone.

"Davi, chill out bro", Monte said trying not to laugh.

Davi eventually stopped and she did a number on Jessica.

"This isn't over", Jessica said with tears in her eyes and a bloody mouth and nose.

"Let's get you cleaned up babe", Dani said walking Jessica back inside.

Davi jumped back into Monte's truck and they rode in silence.

"Jessica needed her ass beat with all that shit she talks", Monte said.

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