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The group arrived back into the city with the toilets still grinning as they enter the 2nd facility, both TSM and Simp were confused, TSM just wanted to have someone he knew and could trust to come with them, as he is defenceless, no weapons, no strength and (No bitches? 🤨) his speakers were literally screwed from the explosion from the fake G-toilet's trap. 

Simp: I'll be heading back to my farm, see if I can get seeds to keep through the winter and such, and to see if I can grow anymore before winter does arrive.

TSM nodded to Simp and left to check on TCM, Simp looked over to his farm but not giving the 2nd facility a second look of question, he decided not to dwell on it as the base needed him to get as much food as possible. On his way back someone tapped him on the shoulder with a blade scaring the shoulder skibidi. He instantly knew who it was.

Simp: Blade!

Malformed Blade Skibidi Toilet(MBST): Hello, it's been a while!

Simp: It has been a while teacher. What do you need from me now?

MBST: I don't need anything from you, just been a while since we've spoke.

Simp: It truly has.

Simp offered MBST a coffee with a metal straw.

Simp: Coffee?

MBST: It better be good, you know how I am with edible things.

Simp: Lol it's a coffee, neither perfect or horrible, just made to suit one's taste.

MBST: Alright..

Simp put the coffee on the rim of MBST's toilet and put the straw close to his mouth which MBST tasted the coffee.

MBST: Not bad...

Simp: Right? I took so long to make it!

MBST: You've outdone yourself kiddo!

Simp: Thank you, though how have you been patrolling and defending the base?

MBST: Pretty good, we skibidi titans don't get hungry which is nice, we just eat whatever we want. And whenever, kinda like you... Coffee is just an energy booster for us though.

Simp: True true.

Simp and MBST laughed a bit to their current situation.

Simp: This has to be some kind of dream am I right dude?

MBST: I doubt it, I feel pain here, but it does feel like a dream, a place of peace and harmony, a place without war... Apart from arguments from major to the smallest.

Simp: True that-

MBST: Kinda stupid, but it's life, we cannot perfect it whatsoever. I'm glad to have managed to get out alive.

Simp: Same here, to be honest... I don't know what I could've done without you skibidi deserters... a life of fighting and loving felt so pointless... We almost gave up and went berserk until you guys came along when we needed you.

MBST: The A.C.T incident, I remember, you had no control over your own body, your circuits and the Shoulder skibidi had their minds screwed with, it took you a lot of therapy with all of you and support to get you all back together in one piece.

Simp: Yeah, thank you for doing that, and teaching me how to cook.

MBST: Of course! What are those idiots doing by the way? I didn't see any of them in their farms, I'm glad you all brought back water but they've been acting.. off

Simp: How so?

MBST: They grin at random when you're not around and talk to each other about something, not about you, not talking anything bad about you just to clarify.

Simp: Interesting...

The two halted their conversations as the group went out of the facility with a confused TVwoman, TSM has TCM in hand as he tries to walk with his new equipment. TCM was confused of the surroundings and was trying to process what is happening. Simp just nodded to MBST as he left to go patrolling around the city. Simp looked away from MBST and looked at Dafuqboom himself.

Simp: Thank you for giving me a second chance.

Dafuqboom nods and simply leaves, disappearing out of existence. Simp looked into the distance with the wall in his camera's sight. The shoulder skibidi hopped off as they wandered off back into Simp's farm. 

Simp's memory was in a haze, remembering things in the past.

Simp was running to TVwoman who just teleports without paying him any attention, tilted forward in a depressive state he was upset but understanding. He wanted to be better, to always go to 110% to grow, but he was only metal. 100% is simply all he has, unlike Plunger he did not have a scientist friend to mess around with, he constantly got upgrades and tested them anywhere he can, almost every time he was out, the scientist was there with him. Simp looked down at himself.

Simp: I'm not lucky.

Simp looked at a window with a reflection of himself. The past.

Simp: I'm just a soldier with nobody.

He broke the window by pressing on it, only a thing that large units can do. His present self asked to himself a question he cannot comprehend.

Simp: So why me? Why was I chosen unlike the other cameramen that were captured.

He went back into his memory once more, the skibidi scientists and engineers saying words he couldn't understand, he was being crushed by a hydraulic press made by the skibidi to test the cameramen and speakermen's limits, even the large ones that were captured.

Scientist Skibidi Toilet(SST): Skibidi skibidi skibidi... NIP?! NIP NIP!

Several other SSTs went to the SST who was looking at Simp's chamber, with all of them freaking out. He didn't understand.

SST: Skibidi skibidi skibidi dobudu?!

Simp was holding his own, all of the speakermens song stopped by now. The woofermen's shrieks of pain and desparation has also stopped. The creaking of the camcorder men has also stopped. Simp screamed in pain, a silent scream that nobody could hear. Giving it everything to survive, to live just one more day. The hydraulic press pressured his body with him never giving up to survive. The skibidi stared at him at disbelief. They turned off the hydraulic press as they panicked and left to go somewhere. He went up to the glass and shattered it, but it was still intact. shattered but strong. It did not go to pieces. He lost hope the moment his plan did not work.

Simp:... No...

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