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This  is a few days after the 'guest's arrival', Titan cameraman was still being built, and a new and bigger facility is build which confused Simp, he looked around in the facility which just has UTCM's stuff which he shrugged off, not thinking about the calamity he has overlooked.

Simp: So.. Guess it's time to work on the farm once more, slowly.

Simp went back to his farm and simply tended to it and cared for it, making sure each plant grew nicely. Titan speakerman's cannons was removed so he can walk around the place, luckily there are titan sized roads specifically because of Simp. He walked to the facility to check on Titan Cameraman, Simp noticed he was short on water, he looked at his harvest and nodded slowly.

Simp: We should be able to survive the winter with the 4 silos, meaning the other 5 can be used to trade... I'll take 4 to trade for water, we're running out of it... I'll go tell the giants to protect the city for me while I go for a while.

Simp looked over to the giant skibidi housing which were just massive storage rooms for them, he walked over to them to ask them to guard in his place, which the promptly agree to without much hesitation. As Simp was going to leave Titan speakerman noticed him and went up to him curious.

TSM: Where are you going?

Simp: Trading, we're running out of water.

TSM: Can I come with?

Simp looked at him for a moment as 2 skibidi toilets latched themselves onto his shoulders

Simp looked at him for a moment as 2 skibidi toilets latched themselves onto his shoulders

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Simp nodded.

Simp: Sure!

5 Other giant skibidi, 2 helicopters, a rocket launcher and 2 strider skibidi came from behind simp, the strider poke simp's back until he turned around.

Strider: Skibidi brrr dobudu? (Are you going to trade?)

Simp: Yeah, do you guys also planning on trading for water or something?

Rocket: Yes yes!

Heli: Brrr dob dob? (Can we also come with?)

Simp: Sure... Also does anyone have an extra large cart or transport?

Trider: Yes!

Simp: Alright, let's all load our food silos into them that we'll trade, who's pulling though?

Rocket: Brrrm dobu (Me as always).

Simp: Alright!

TSM: Wha?

Simp: Oh they're also coming with, don't worry they don't bite

TSM: Alright?

Simp: Let's go!

Simp loaded the food silos into the cart while rocket skibidi attached himself to the cart. They went off walking to the area where they would trade, TSM was curious who they are going to meet to trade with.

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