Let's Play Truth or Dare

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Disclaimer: I don't own power rangers samurai.
(This story will be told in my p.o.v.)

Mike: I'm so bored.
Kevin: Me too
Me: *walks in with Kay and Amy* Hey guys what wrong?
Jayden: We're bored and there's nothing to do.
Me: Why don't we play truth or dare?
Everyone: Sure, why not?
Amy: Kay you go first.
Kay: Okay, Kevin truth or dare?
Kevin: Dare
Kay: I dare you to give Jayden a French kiss.
Kevin and Jayden: WHAT!?!?!?!
Kay: You heard me.
Kevin: *sighs and gives Jayden a French kiss.*
Jayden: *Runs to the bathroom to wash his mouth.*
Kevin: Amy truth or dare?
Amy: truth
Kevin: What do you do when We're not here?
Amy: I mess with Jayden's body wash.
Kevin: How?
Amy: I put slime, dirt, and blended worms in his body wash, and of course he didn't notice because he was half asleep.
Jayden: You did that!? How could you!?
Amy: 'Cause I'm evil. Now then Mike truth or dare?
Mike: Dare
Amy: I dare you to eat one of Mia's peanut butter and jelly omelettes.
Mike: I'll get you for this. *eats the omelette and vomits*
Jayden: Mia clean that up.
Mia: -_-' *cleans up Mike's vomit*
Mike: Mia truth or dare?
Mia: truth
Mike: Is it true that you have a crush on Kevin?
Mia: Yes
Kevin: Sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but Jayden, Mike, and I have been claimed by our priestesses.
Mia: Okay Azi truth or dare?
Me: Dare
Mia: I dare you to give all the boys in this room a nosebleed without touching any of them.
Me: *turns around, takes off visor, and turns to face everyone*
Jayden, Kevin, Mike, and Antonio: *Major nosebleed*
Me: *puts visor back on*
Kevin: Why do you wear that?
Me: So I can see
Mike: You're blind?
Me: Yeah
Antonio: How can you fight?
Me: Jayden's blind and he can fight
Everyone: *looks at Jayden*
Me: Jayden truth or dare?
Jayden: Truth
Me: Is Lauren your only sibling
Jayden: No I also have a twin brother and sister.
Jayden: Kay truth or dare?
Kay: Truth
Jayden: What do Azi, Amy, and you really look like?
Me, Kay, Amy: *Shows everyone our true forms*
Everyone: *Passes out*
Me: Well that's all the time we have for today.
Amy: Please rate, comment, and vote

Kay: Azi doesn't own power rangers samurai

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