Twins born

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3rd person's POV

Kacey was in the kitchen getting a glass of water when her water broke. Kacey squealed in a shriek as she held herself up.

"Shit!" She cursed.

Kacey dialed 911.

"9-1-1 What's your emergency?" Josh asked.

"Josh, it's Kacey Buckley. I need an ambulance sent to the house. My water broke. Try to transfer to LA Hospital, please!! Let Buck and Eddie know! Ahhh." Kacey said quickly in a shriek.

Kacey dropped to the floor, breathing heavy. The paramedics open the door to her house, finding her quickly. As they got to the hospital, Lucy was in the delivery room suited up waiting. Kacey was trying not to panic as she saw Lucy and not Eddie.

"Where's Eddie?!" She asked frantically.

"He's coming, Kacey." Lucy said, holding her hand.

Eddie and Buck were with Athena as she sped to the hospital. Once she stopped, Eddie jumped out of the car and ran upstairs to the second floor. Kacey was about to be rolled into the delivery room.

"Wait! please, I need Eddie!" She yelled.

"I'm here, baby. I got you." He said calmly as he ran up to her.

They put a gown around Eddie, and once they finished. He was back at her side, holding her hand as she squeezed tightly. Kacey was ready to give birth as she pushed and screamed. Eddie was there, holding her hand, being the supportive boyfriend he set out to be. As Kacey pushed, one girl was born, and she cried as she was handed to a nurse, so the doctor was ready for the next, the second girl was born two minutes later, just like her and Buck. As Kacey's second daughter cried, she was handed to a nurse to be handed to Kacey. Kacey held one girl as they handed the other to Eddie.

"Look at how beautiful they are." Kacey said in awe.

"Just like their mom." Eddie said, kissing Kacey on the head.

Kacey smiled as tears ran down her face. The couple handed the twins back to the nurses as they went clean them up so they could move Kacey to a normal room. As Kacey was moved into a normal room, she started to breastfeed one of the girls as the other slept. Lucy knocked at the door, Eddie answered and let her in.

"Congratulations! How are they doing?" Lucy asked.

"Thanks. They are great. Oh Lucy, thank you for being here. I don't know what I would have done without you." Kacey said to Lucy.

Lucy smiled as Buck knocked on the half open door. "Hey, can I come in?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, Buck." Kacey said with a smile.

Buck walked in and smiled at Lucy and his sister. Eddie watched his daughter sleep in the baby bed. Kacey looked down at her baby, who stopped feeding and fell back to sleep. She smiled as she held her close. Lucy slowly and quietly pushed Buck out of the room to give Eddie and Kacey privacy.

"Have you thought of names?" Eddie asked as he looked up from his baby to his girlfriend.

"Only one, I thought of Kaylynn. I hope you thought of one." She said, biting her bottom lip in hope.

Buckley's Twin Sister { A Eddie Diaz Fanfiction }Where stories live. Discover now