Date and Time.

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A/N:The chapters will be getting longer as the story grows. It's just a short chapter kind of start. Check the outline if you don't believe me. Also, please comment any ideas or theories or things you want to see.

Also also, the reason I switch between Eri and Eri-chan is because I use "Eri-chan" when she does something particularly adorable or childish, therefore earning the cute honorific. Though "chan" doesn't necessarily mean cute, it's often used that way. It can also just be used to refer to someone a great deal younger than you, but it can seem rude if you aren't familiar with that person. It's more commonly used to refer to girls, as at a certain point, most boys don't like being called cute in such a way.

This story is also going by my own theory of when MHA takes place, which is 250-ish years after quirks, which was around 2050. So 2200 or there abouts.

And finally, sorry, this chappie doesn't quite hit 1000 words, but my usual goal is 1500 or more, so don't worry, it's not going to be 500 word chapters like some stories. And those stories are fine! I just think that they should merge every two chapters together.


We shuffle forward towards the dilapidated building carefully, and I watch where we step, ever cautious of how loud our footsteps are. If there's someone in there, and they aren't friendly, I don't want them to know we're here before we see them. We don't know if we were brought here for a purpose, or if it really was just a kid's quirk accident. Either way, you can't be too cautious in a situation like this.

We come within a few feet of the collapsed wall and stop. Bending down, I pick up a stray piece of what looks like rebar, bending it in half to make a shorter weapon with a loop on the end. I don't want to have to hurt anybody, but I refuse to be defenseless if I can't use my quirk for some reason, because Eri-chan can't defend herself yet. I creep forward, making sure to keep Eri behind me the entire time. I peer around the side of the hole, rebar-weapon raised, and look around. All I can see is trash, dirt, and dirty partially destroyed decoration and furniture. I lower my makeshift weapon slightly, and gently tug her hand once, guiding her to come around the side of the wall with me. We gingerly pick our way forward through the mess. I point towards the couch. "Go sit there, and I'm going to scope out the rest of the floor."

She nods and does as I said, and I look back a few times as I walk quietly towards what looks like a hotel desk, my noose-sword half raised for a backswing. This must have been a lobby, for what looks like a hotel, which means that there used to be people here, and something must have happened. The question of the hour is what .

Well, whatever did happen, must have caused the collapse of what used to be a solid brick wall. I peer around it, noting that there's a door to what seems like a back room. There might be a mail room around here too, then we could figure out where we are. I open the low door, and step through, but I can't find any dates. I leave the area, and head back to the main part of the lobby with my snood (the combination of sword and noose) lowered, noting to go look around back there later.

Making my way back over to her, I use my feet to nudge aside bits of broken brick, splintered wood and tile. I don't want her getting up and hurting herself. She has shoes on, since we went to the mall and all, but they aren't very sturdy or thick since she's not doing a ton of exercise, just walking around, and maybe running a bit when playing games. I flop down beside her, making it just dramatic enough that she doesn't think somethings wrong, and it prompts a smile out of her. Scooching up to sit properly, I look around on the floor, leaning forward to move some debris out of the way. I'd seen the edge of what looked like paper, and I want to get to it without damaging it.

Eri-chan tilts her head at me. "What are you doing, Deku-san?"

I grunt as I shift to kneel on the floor, glad for my gloves as I toss a brick away from the pile. "I think that I saw a piece of paper, and I want to get it out. But if I do it too fast, I might damage it or rip it, which would make it hard to read. It could have information on it that might help us figure out where we are or what's happening, so I want it to be intact."

"Okay." I smile a little at her simple response.

Finally freeing most of it, I gently brush away some dirt covering it. It seems to be a newspaper. I check the date immediately. If we were unconscious at any point, I want to know how long. It feels like my heart stops when I find it and process what I'm seeing. The paper falls from my hand. February 23, 2107 . We're almost 200 years in the past. We haven't been born yet. Our parents haven't been born yet. Our great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents would be children right now, if they're even born.

I stare forward with unseeing eyes. That means, that quirk we were hit with... that's way powerful. There'd be records if it had been used before, so it must have been a new manifestation. And if we can't go back, they won't know what the quirk is or what happened to us. We don't even know what the activation requirements are. Or if there even are any. How are we going to get home? How am I going to explain this to Eri-chan?

If Aizawa-sensei could erase it, we'd have been sent back already, so that means that we're stuck here. In the past. With no money. Or home, or connections, or family, or knowledge. They don't cover a ton about just after the beginning of quirks in history class. It's described as being full of war and unrest, and that there were many crimes being committed, and then heroes came along. But the first official hero won't debut for another 10 years. Which means, we're going to be living the history that they want to keep buried. But then that poses the question: What are they trying so hard to forget?


A/N: Regarding the date (bc I don't know how to link to end notes/footnotes): the actual date is the date they were in the future, April 18th. The newspaper is from before whatever destroyed the building (I can't say it's spoilers)

Again, sorry it's such short chapters right now, I promise it will begin to have longer chapters. Also, fair warning, the "inspired by" work (linked below) has spoilers, because it's literally my outline reference for events that are going to happen in the story.

Please read and comment any theories, ideas, opinions, suggestions, or spelling/grammatical errors that I didn't catch!

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