Yeosang | 🗝⏳

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Just like a midsummer
night's dream

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I was never too good with mechanics. It all started when I dismantled the speaker. Every time I felt stuffy, I would disassemble various appliances or instruments and then reassemble them back together. My parents had everything planned for me: doing the same routine at the exact same time. The only time I could go out of this cycle was when I disassembled and reassembled things.

Thanks to this weird habit, I met the guys.
That day in that shabby warehouse, a bunch of guys I'd normally run away from, asked me if I knew how to work a drone. This whole encounter was a bit strange! I actually was lost and wandering around. The sound of music is what brought me to that place.

From that day on I went there every day.
The best feeling was dancing to the music. Dancing was such a mind-blowing activity.
Even when I saw my parents' worried faces flashing before my eyes, I just couldn't stop.
For the first time ever, I felt alive. Heart pounding like it's about to burst out and this tingling feeling coming up from my fingertips started to take over me.

Was there a moment when I wanted something this bad? One by one, more children started to say my name. The path that only I walked with one another person became the path to many. Slowly, the word 'I' became 'ours'. However, now I must leave the 'ours'. If I back out everything will be back to normal, the scattered members and the stolen hideout.
I'm sorry guys..

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