ابدأ من البداية

A camouflaged bomb duct-taped to a pillar of the underground base

"Everyone! Find cover!" Rind ordered.

Silas swiftly snatched Snap and Pluto and slammed them underneath a normal table. Then she grabbed Rind's hand roughly, and slammed him underneath the table too, Farow slid beside a table, and flipped it toward the bomb, hoping it would provide good cover for her to see her team for another day.

"Stay there Farow!" Snap hollered, he had been through many explosions before, but not enough to kill him. His mind was on the verge of a panic attack. Pluto stayed silent, his eyes urgently looked around. His arms wrapped around Snap tightly. Even if his rank was a sergeant like Snap's, he still was terrified like a little kid.


The plastic and wires blew from the bomb, splitting it into pieces. A fiery beast swallowed them whole; the base was uprooted from underneath the solid soil. Snap grasped Silas tight, like it was his last bit of strength.

The distressed cries of civilians filled the air like the smoke that diffused just minutes before. The aftermath of the explosion left debris and rubble everywhere within the small portion of the city. A fairly-large piece on-top of an unconscious Silas. Once she woke up from her haze of unconsciousness with a few heaved sighs and pushes she shoved the big piece of rubble off of her. Silas sat up, the world went dizzy. A piece of rebar was stabbed through her hand, the carmine liquid flowed out of her hand like a swift river. She roughly pulled her pierced hand out of the rebar pole and looked around. Her gaze fell on Pluto and Snap, their struggles weren't able to pull the large square that had squished them between the ground and the concrete wall. Colonel Rind was long gone, a piece of rebar stabbed through his skull, directly into his forehead; a massive dent was made, and Rind twitched in his last moments.
"Don't die on me Rind..." She replied, her sprawled limbs crawled over to Rind, and noticed he was done for.
"I'm so sorry... Silas-"
"You're not fucking dying on me yet, stay with me." She retorted harshly, sitting up, her leg was bent out of shape, but she didn't care... as long as she could be with her Colonel for his last moments, her cold and scattered eyes softened for a moment, taking pity for Rind dying.
"Silas-" he tried again, his moments needed to be spent wisely, but he didn't care about anything tactical for right now.
"Not another fucking word, stay with me."
"Tell my mom I'm so sorry... Please tell my momma that..."
"Rind, don't you fucking dare."
Colonel Rind gently grasped Silas' hand and squeezed with all his might, which was bare to none.
"Let me go!" she hissed, her rasp and roughness increased as time went by.

"I know I'm dyin' Sil... Please, my last mission I've assigned you is to tell my momma I'm so sorry..." and with that, Colonel Rind had passed. His hand let loose of Silas' hand, and plummeted to the ash covered ground, ashes fluttered throughout the air, the smoke and smog followed along, some ashes fell into Silas' eyes, making them water.

She looked around again, and her eyes fell upon Snap and Pluto again, Silas looked around once more. Her eyes scanned the area for Farow, her best friend. once she saw Farow, a tear fell out of her left eye, she crawled to Farow's cold body, a myriad of rebar poles stabbed through her stomach, blood and guts poured out of her stomach, an upside-down waterfall you could say. the crimson leaked into the blood red ashes and debris below the body. Farow's shirt was ripped to shreds and her breathing wasn't there, Silas stared at Farow's cold body for a moment.

Silas shook Farow's lifeless left forearm vigorously, Farow was dead.

"Please... Please wake up..." Silas begged, her voice breaking the more she looked at Farow's lifeless body, another tear fell out of her eye.
"You've survived things worse than this...! Please wake up..." She begged
Once the realization kicked in, she bowed her head in respect and looked around once more, before crawling over to Pluto and Snap.
"Pluto!!!" Snap cried, Silas took too much time to mourn Farow and Captain Rind.
"BROTHERRRR!!!" Snap cried once more, the never-ending tears fell out of both his hazel eyes.
Pluto lay lifeless beside Snap, the remainder of the crew was torn apart, Farow, Rind, and Pluto, all dead. Silas lifted the big piece of concrete wall off of Snap, and pulled him over Pluto's body and got him out of the rubble he was stuck underneath.
"Snap... it's only the two of us..."
"NOOOOO!!!" he writhed, he was in physical and emotional pain from losing with one and only brother, and his closest Colonel and closest female comrade.

Berserk Silas-COD OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن