36-Just A Proof❣️

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Just A Proof............. 💔🤕



Tears falling continuously from Jk's  bambi eyes to his puff cheeks, biting his lips continuously to controll his hiccups.

He harshly wiping his tears, again over and over trying to control his sob while biting his lower lips.

His mind mess up because of earlier conversation with the lady, repeating same words again over again in his mind.

'I'm just a proof for her nothing else.' Jk's thought chuckling bitterly, he is driving his car cautiously with his mess up mind.

Beautiful memories start coming in his mind which he spent with his parents, his dear brother, bickering with jimin and his lovely wify's sweet giggles he smile through his teary eyes

"I don't care what am I to her or not? I'm so lucky to have a family like them and a sweet life partner who will walk with me in every ups and downs and stay beside me forever and mine sweet family too." Jk mumbling in happy tears.

Jk smile widely thinking about his family moment and with his wify.

He is driving his car in limit speed, he didn't notice a truck coming towards him, because he were lost in thoughts and because of blurry tears eyes.

When he wipe his tears and saw a truck coming towards him with a high speed he gasp and instantly turn his car towards left side.

Truck hit jk's car a little bit on his back and his car collide with a wall which is a construction area.

The wall fall on his car jk's head hit on the steering wheel he groan in pain and whimper, he hold his head with his both hand.

He heard people screaming sounds, he saw blood on his head and on his shoulder soon he black out inside car.

Some people instantly help him and take him out of the car carefully and call the ambulance instantly.

Few moments ago...

Mrs Jeon hurriedly wipe his tears and look down fiddling with her fingers his husband gave a soft smile to taekook they smile too.

"Baby, you wait for me in our room i'm coming in just a minute." Jk said with a small smile he nods his head unsurely nvm he smile a little bit.

He bow to the lady with a soft smile she nodded her head blankly a little bit. Tae looking at his mumma papa worriedly.

Mr Jeon nodded assuredly he smile and went upstair to his room. The lady eyes following him till the stair.

"Woah he is so beautiful and gorgeous, Who is he?" The lady asked, looking at Mr and Mrs Jeon.

"My wife Jeon Taehyung." Jk said and sat beside his mom she hug him crying he caresses her back mumbling sweet words to made her calm down the lady rolled her eyes annoyingly.

"I can't believe you got a most beautiful
wife for yourself huh. I wonder is he know about your past or you are keeping him in dark" She asked smirking and a little bit teasing manner.

Mr and Mrs Jeon look down sadly jk sigh and look at her blankly.

"It's none of your business Mrs Lee. Say why you come here? What made you to come to your blunder." Jk said coldly with his void face she chuckled and nods her head.

𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓞𝓷𝓵𝔂 ❤️[𝓐 𝓣𝓪𝓮𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓯𝓯]√Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum