Chapter 2: Passing out and revelations

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A\N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Exhaustion reveals secrets. This chapter will have a TRIGGER WARNING for scars, and mentions of abuse. If any of this is a trigger for you, DON'T READ, you've been warned. Enjoy, Angels.

Dr Betty Rogers hadn't slept properly in a week and a half, finding that her eyes had closed against her will for 15 minutes every night before she was awake,  she could tell that her friends and co-workers were getting more and more worried about her with each day that had passed. Both Angie and Oscar were pushing for her to take some time off to get some sleep but she had refused, stating firmly that she had too much work to do. They hadn't brought it up again and left the subject alone. The nightmares were getting words with each one she had had when she had closed her eyes.

The day she passed out in the morgue and her secret was revealed, she had stayed the night in her office, having completed an autopsy late into the night and saw no point in going home. She had changed  into her spare clothes she kept in her office, washed her face and teeth in the bathroom, left the station to go to her usual coffee shop for her first cup of coffee then returned back to work, looking as if she'd just come in and not spent the night. The morning went by slowly which had been fine with her. She was in no rush for it to end. Then when quarter to 12 had approached, the slow morning had shattered like a glass falling off a counter top, shattering into a thousand tiny shards of glass.


She was finishing typing up her findings on their victim when the doors had opened to reveal Angie and Oscar. She had given them brief smiles before turning her head back to her computer. "Hey, Betts, we're going to lunch, wanna come. Vega's paying." Angie had asked her. "Hey!" Oscar exclaimed with a smile. Betty had sighed internally. She hadn't had much of an appetite the last week but didn't want her friends asking any more questions so she agreed, standing up.

That's when she felt gravity work against her and sent her tumbling to the floor of the morgue, darkness quickly but not before she had heard her name being called by Angie and Oscar  and the sound of footsteps hurrying to where she was. The last thing she heard before the darkness had completely overtaken her was Oscar grabbing her hand and saying 'you'll be okay, Betts.' then the darkness had claimed her and sent her into a hole of complete and utter blackness. And she had welcomed it.

Angie Flynn paced the hospital waiting room like a caged tiger, her partner sat in the chair, looking as calm as a cucumber, waiting for news on Betty, who had passed out nearly 20 minutes ago in the morgue. "I should've forced her to take time off." The blonde said, Oscar sighed. "You couldn't have got her to listen to you, Angie." Oscar told her. Angie opened her mouth to speak when the doors to the ER swung open and a middle aged doctor dressed in a lab coat walked up to them and he held a clipboard in his hand.

"Are you here for a Dr Betty Rogers?" He asked, both detectives nodded as Oscar stood up beside Angie who had stopped pacing and was now looking at the doctor. The doctor sighed and looked at his clipboard. "Dr Rogers is extremely exhausted, has she been sleeping?" The man asks, both detectives shook their heads in unison. The doctor nodded. "Well we've sedated her for a few hours. After she wakes up we'll keep her here for observation for a day or two just to make sure gets a bit of sleep, then she'll be released, I'd prefer it if Dr Rogers was staying with someone for a few days." Angie and Oscar nodded, both of them silently arguing with their eyes who Betty would stay with. "Are.. are you aware of the scars on Dr Roger's body?" The doctor asked hesitantly. Both Angie and Oscar's eyes go wide at the question. What scars? Oscar thought to himself. ", we've not noticed any scars on Betty." The male detective informed the doctor as he grabbed Angie's hand who had gone pale. The doctor looked at them remorsefully. "I'm sorry to have  brought this up but some of them looked like self harm scars on her arms, were you aware that Dr Rogers self harmed?" Oscar narrowed his eyes at the doctor and tightened his grip on Angie's hand who looked like she was going to throw up at what was just revealed to them about their friend. "Of course we weren't doctor, does it look like we did?" Angie growled out through clenched teeth. The doctor just looked at the two homicide detectives with remorse before telling them what room she's in and that they could stay with her until visiting hours are over. The two detectives eagerly took off through the door and ran towards their sedated friend and coworker. They hoped whatever they would see wouldn't be as bad as they were thinking she was.

A\N: Chapter 2 of Exhaustion reveals secrets is complete, Angels. I'm currently working on handwriting chapter three, it'll be a few days until it'll be published, so just hang tight, Angels.

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