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"Hey! Hey! Wake up!" The soft voice echoes in Harry's throbbing head, it's gentle and high pitched but almost soothing against the loud thumping pain he feels throughout his body. He wants to open his eyes, he wants to see the face that matches this sweet voice but the grogginess and weak state he's in made it impossible. The voice then again calls out to the boy, who is lying lifeless on the cold hard ground.

"Please get up" the voice is stronger now, so pleading, so desperate it causes all state of panic which resulted in vigorously pushing and shoving the unconscious body on the ground. Involuntary groans are heard and the voice becomes relaxed, it's not soon now.
Harry continues to groan as he slowly shifts and attempts to sit up. He soon felt arms on his shoulder guiding his movements and as much as he should have hesitated he went selflessly with the actions. When he's sitting up finally, he rubs his eyes clearing the sleepy state he was in to gently reveal the voice that filled his head for what seemed like an eternity. He didn't mind though, the voice was the only pleasant thing present in his mind right now. When the blurry white objects became crystal clear against Harry's eyes he shirked and shoved his body away from the arms that held him up.

"Where the fuck am I?" His voice is almost hoarse and unclear, he hasn't made proper eye contact with the other voice in the room, rather he starts panicking, standing from his spot and walking over to the only steel door across the room.
"Calm down, here.." The voice speaks inching closer to Harry. "Have some breakfast"
"I don't want any God damn breakfast" Harry turns to finally come face to face with the voice, raising his hand smacking the metal tray right of the man's hands. It falls making a hard thud, the contents it held splatter all across the floor, even on Harry's jeans.
"I.." But the man couldn't say a word. He bends to pick up the tray when Harry stops him mid air and tugs on his shirt.
"Where the fuck am I?" He collars the man and jacks him up against the wall, slamming his head on the concrete. The man shrieks but never once fought back, he didn't touch Harry, he didn't protest.

Now that Harry is this up and close with the man he starts to take notice of the things that can give him some type of clue as to why he's even in this fucked up mess. The ski mask didn't do much and the oversized black jumper didn't reveal much for Harry to notice any beauty mark. The man is terrified however and Harry didn't quite understand his peculiar behavior he was the one captured so why does he feel like it's the total opposite? Harry can no doubt knock the fuck out of this man in one blow but he finds himself letting go and walking away from the man who just stands there staring at him.

"I'm..I'm sorry" it slipped out so tender, so soft Harry almost misses it. Harry doesn't even look at the man but he soon hears the steel door tumbles and creeks open and a second later closes just as fast leaving Harry once again all alone.
Why the fuck would anyone want to kidnap Harry? He was good with all his acquaintances, he never owed money, yes he's rich but none of his money is actually his, it's his fathers...of fucking course. The only logical explanation to all this leads back to his father. He sits contemplating why did they need him if they wanted his father? Surely they could have simply take out the middle man (being him) and go straight for the main target. His thoughts are interrupted by the tumbles of the door again as he stands and focuses all his attention to the steel door. Emerges the same small built man holding yet another tray of food. He sets it down on the bed, never once making eye contact with Harry yet Harry's eyes bore into the tiny man's skull. He walks over to the door, the only sound between them is the slight thud coming from the man's footsteps, Harry's eyes following his every move.

"I had to I'm sorry" there was almost real remorse in the man's voice making Harry knot his eyebrows in confusion.
"Wait" Harry says before the man exits. He turns to face Harry again who slowly walks toward him. They don't say a thing once they're face to face. Silence is hollowed like the empty walls around them, time stands still as they both stare at each other. Harry doesn't know what is happening to him, why he felt this sudden pull towards the masked stranger.

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