7) Halloween

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-*+= Halloween =+*-

"Hey everyone, who's excited for Halloween?" Aurora said as she sat between James and Marlene.

"Yes, oh my merlin, I'm so sick of school stress, I just want to be able to have one night with no stress, no homework, no teachers" said Peter with a mouthful of jam on toast.

"I just wanna get shitfaced!" chimed Marlene 

"Yeah I can support that, best mindset is a drunk mindset" said Remus, shaking Marlene's hand in agreement.

Everyone split into smaller conversations. Sirius, Marlene and Peter were talking about a muggle sport called football that Peter had discovered over the summer.

Remus, Mary and Alice were talking about what they should wear for the Halloween party, their options were animals, cowgirls and boys, or disney characters that Alice had bought a bunch of books and comics about. 

Lily, James and Aurora started talking about how to bring drink in without getting discovered, James told them to let him and the boys handle it and Lily and Aurora did not want to ask any questions. 

"Oi, James!" shouted Sirius.

"Yes my darling?" James said with fake love struck eyes, making Lily and Aurora chuckle.

"Come listen to this, Pete's telling us about muggle sports called footy-balls"

"Football, Sirius, just football" corrected Peter.

James swiftly got up to move over to the others and Lily held out some french toast to Aurora indicating she takes it from her.

Aurora's previous gentle smile dropped from her face as she turned to Lily and noticed her offer before she shook her head no.

"Come on, Rora, you need to eat something you love french toast. Please?" she said with a whisper, so others couldn't hear the sensitive topic.

"I'm not hungry Lils, I swear." she whispered back. She plastered a light smile on her face but Lily had been her best friend for five years, she knew it was fake.

"You weren't at dinner yesterday, you have to be hungry. Please?" she kept trying, the more Aurora resisted, the more worried she was growing. She had seen this all before. She had a friend in Ravenclaw get out of it, and she was going to at least try to get Aurora out.

"I went to the kitchens, had spaghetti, trust me Lily. You know I wouldn't lie to you." 

Lily sighed but dropped the toast back onto her own plate before wrapping an arm around Aurora's shoulder and leaning into her.

"You can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?" she said with a muffled kiss to the side of Aurora's head. 

"And you, me. Love you Lils." 

"I love you too Rora."


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