6) Caldron's and Storm's

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-+*= Caldron's and Storm's =*+-




"Since halfway through third year, remember that quiet streak I had for a couple weeks?" answered Aurora, trying to jog their memory's.

"Best four weeks of my life." 

"Oh fuck off Sirius, you used to love me so much back in third year, we both know it. I was your favourite person, we spent every day together-" she started on a rampage but was cut off by Sirius.

"Shut up  Aurora, Merlin you need to get over yourself, I am oh so sorry  I prefer James but maybe I was sick of your pick me bullshit!" there was sarcasm dripping from his voice. The silence after he had finished talking made him realise he had gone too far. 

Tears lightly welled in Aurora's eyes, she knew this long before now, but hearing him say it hurt. A lot. It was always her and Sirius. A pair, siblings, twins, best friends. Now she knew that Sirius had a new pair, a new sibling, a new best friend.

"Aurora, I-" started Sirius, trying to take back what he said before it got worse.

"Save it. You didn't say anything I didn't already know." she started heading to the door but as she reached it she turned back to Sirius. "I will help you through the process if you need it. But I am not helping for you. I'm doing this for Remus." and with that she left, slamming the door shut. 

Sirius, who had been standing nearest to the door, turned to the other boys. 

"That was too far, wasn't it?" he asked, he knew the answer. He knew he had hurt her, he could see it in her eyes, he didn't originally care much. Not caring made him feel worse. How could he not care for his twin sister crying? 

"I think so... I mean, she was practically crying." 

"Peter, I really don't think this is the time for you to point out things like that." said Remus, as he re-entered his cave of blankets and sweaters. "but yes, too far."

"What did she mean 'I wasn't saying anything she didn't already know'?" asked Sirius, choosing not to respond to Peters comment, but he still took it in. He still noted how he hurt her.

"She meant that she knows you prefer me over her. I mean honestly mate i'm flattered but overall, you should probably prefer your twin sister." James had mixed feelings. He loved being loved by Sirius, and he loved knowing Sirius would choose him. But it made him feel guilty, he knew it wasn't his fault that Sirius had said it, he knew it wasn't his fault that Sirius and Aurora had been drifting apart. He knew it was their mothers fault. Everything she did to them. All the slight cuts and burn marks. The bruises and the black eyes. The tears. 

Everything was her fault. She hurt them. She led them apart. She would go through periods of nurturing one and hating the other, switching frequently but often she ended up hurting Sirius more. James knew this was why Sirius held a dislike to his sister. 

He was jealous of her. 

He hated how their mother always helped her first, how she would always be nicer to Aurora, how she would non-verbally pick Aurora. He hated, most of all, the way she planned Aurora's future. He was jealous she never planned his, he knew if she tried to that he would hate it and probably defy her anyway, but the lack of attempts hurt him. Made him feel like she didn't think he was worthy of having someone plan his future. He wasn't good enough for someone to care what happens in his life. 

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