I'll miss you more

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Morgan's pov
It's been three days since Ivy told us about her offer with Chelsea and I've been left thinking about the pros and cons of it all. Yes... it would be great for her career and she would become one of the best goalkeepers ever but I'd only be able to see her every so often and as a city fan I just don't want my sister joining a rival club that's just wrong! But overall she really deserves this opportunity and she was so annoyed when I didn't want her to go and now I think about it more she really wants to go I'm the only person stopping her which I suppose is really selfish of me.

A few hours later
*morgan knocks on Ivys door*
Morgan- Ivy can I speak to you
Ivy- About what? More reasons why I shouldn't go?
*said annoyed*
Morgan- No.. No not at all
Ivy- Then what!
Morgan- I've thought about it and I want you to go to Chelsea. I'm the only person holding you back from achieving your dreams and as much as I wish you weren't leaving I know it's best for your career, you deserve this Ivy and I'm full of regrets for stopping you.
Ivy- Really! You mean it?!
Morgan- yes I really do
*pulling Morgan into a huge hug*
Morgan- yep thought you would be
*said still slightly upset*
Ivy- Right where's my laptop I've got a contract to agree to!

Later on
Ivy- mum, dad... I've agreed to the contract Chelsea offered me I'm going to sign my contract next week so I need a flight to London... soon ish
we're so proud of you Squirt! Just know we'll be your number one supporter so ! GET IT?
*said chuckling to himself*
Ivy- Yes dad
*said unimpressed*
Ivy- I don't think there's ever been a goalie who hasn't had a number one joke in there career dad
Graham- sorry Ives. But I had to do it
Ivy- it's fine just don't do it again. Ever again

Fast forward a week
Ivys pov
Today is the day July 4th 2026 the day that I'm finally signing for Chelsea! it's currently 2:55 in the morning and I'm exhausted but I've been telling myself since I woke up I'm up this early for the flight that will make my career dream come true so getting up this early is 100% worth it! Although I'm overwhelmed with excitement I also feel extremely nervous I'll be moving to a completely new place Ill have to interact with so many new people which I find really scary but worst of all I'm leaving my family for the first time ever and I'm so nervous

At the airport
Ivy- I'm going to miss you so much mum
Rachel- we'll visit as much as we can
Morgan- I'm going to miss you so much Ives
Ivy- "I'll miss you more" Morgs trust me!
*said pulling her into a huge hug*
Morgan- if I ever sign for city just know I'm definitely scoring against you
Ivy- I doubt it but if you do I'll be so happy for you

A/n- hey everyone hope you're enjoying the book so far!! Feel free to  leave requests on what you'd like to see and I'll try ans work them into the book at some point thanks for all your support 🫶🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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