Chapter 8 The Smiling Demon

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The deeper Lan Sizhui went into the forest the more frequent you could find demons running amok, each trying to have a taste of Lan Sizhui's delicious flesh after being left alone with no prey for so long. Slicing through each demon's head that approached him, Lan Sizhui directed himself to the east sides of the forest where the sun would rise from, hoping there would less demons wandering there. 

His thought process was soon hindered by the sudden appearance of two demons trying strike him at the same time. Noticing the demons Lan Sizhui unshielded and stood in fighting stance, facing the two demons. But to his surprise the two demons had started to fight each other to decide which of the two would each Lan Sizhui first.

"Back off you slowly mutt this is my turf!" one of the demons shouted, showing his long snake like tongue.

"As if I called dibs first!" the demon with with white horns said before striking his claws at the other.

"My apologies but it seems you 'gentlemen' cannot come to a agreement so allow me to do it for you" Lan Sizhui politely stated towards the bickering two and in a flash sliced off both of their heads.

Just before the severed heads touched the ground, the sound of rustling could be heard, Lan Sizhui sprinted forward to cut off the head of another demon. The third demon seemly tried to approach the boy while he was preoccupied with the other two. He must of thought Lan Sizhui would struggle if he were to take on three demons, the intelligence of the demon slightly impressed Lan Sizhui. 

Deciding not to stay and attract other demons, Lan Sizhui picked up his pace to reach the east sides of the forest as he initially planed. Lan Sizhui ran passed the similar looking forest trees until reached near a lake. The sight of the lake majestically reflected the moon's light mesmerized Lan Sizhui, making slowly moved closer to the scene while he cautiously let his ears pick up any suspicious sounds.

Approaching the edges of the lake, Lan Sizhui scooped out a small quantity of the water with his hands, putting it near his face to sniff out any strange odours. Deeming it safe to drink, Lan Sizhui gulped down the scoop of water in his hand happily. As he subconsciously started to wipe his mouth and chin with his sleeves, the boy paused realizing what he done. When Lan Sizhui look around his surroundings and saw no one witnessing his ill-mannered behavior, he sighed a breath of relief.

"Someone please save me!" the sudden shout made Lan Sizhui spring into action, going into the parting of trees near the lake to search for the source.

Using the tall trees and bushes as cover, the boy moved towards the heightening shouts before finally spotting one of the participants cowardly running away from a demon covered in the fresh blood of its victim. The female demon was taller than Lan Sizhui in height, she had around eight arms stretching and moving around as if in some form of dance, on her face hanged wide, elongated smile as she laughed at the man.

"My, my it's been so long since I had tasted human flesh" the smiling demon further stretch one of its hands towards the man in an attempt to grab him.

But the demon's hand that was approaching the man was immediately cut off by Lan Sizhui. Although the demon had its hand cut off, she did not seem distress at all, in fact the demon smiled even wider when she saw the boy standing in front of the cowardly man to protect him.

Just as the smiling demon stretch three of her arms in the air to crush Lan Sizhui, multiple arrows were shot, impaling the demon's hands. Facing the direction of the arrows, Lan Sizhui could spot out a young boy with a vermilion dot on his head, wearing golden robes and holding onto an intricate craved bow. The golden robed boy had a scowl pasted on his face, looking at directly the at the cowardly man, whom with a yelp stepped back slowly when he noticed the golden robed boy's gaze.

"You would think with such 'great' cultivators the disciples would at least be somewhat competent but there're only cowards like this participating here!" 

the boy in golden robes angrily stated and approach the two participants and the demon with his sword unshielded.

The demon turned her focus towards the newly arrived boy with glee, she started to attack the golden robed boy while laughing maniacally.

"One, two and three delicious meals have fallen into my hands!"

"Oh what a lucky day I'm having~" 

The demon's singing was cut short as the irritated golden robed boy charge towards the demon's body slicing away the regrowing arms that block him.

"Quit spewing nonsense and die already! " the golden boy yelled as his sword tried to aim for the demon's neck, only to be block by her hands.

Seeing the golden robed boy struggling to subdue the demon, Lan Sizhui signaled for the cowardly man to leave and charge into the battle, aiding the other boy in the fight. The two boys preoccupied four arms each, making sure to keep an ample distance from them. Just as the two boys were feeling slight strain from their constant movements, two footsteps could be heard approaching from the distance.

"We finally caught up with you ,young mistress!" the loud yell grabbed the two boys attention.

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