Chapter 1 - the beginning

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11 years ago...
3rd Person pov

Sophie wondered through the forest alone, hungry, cold and scared. Rain pours down as the sun begins to set. The little girl had a clear mask on her face which was almost to big for her and a viper wolf by her side which I believe she thinks is a dog and she named him bolt. She wondered through the middle of the pandora forest as tears streamed down her chubby cheeks. She sniffled as she sat underneath a nearby tree. Bolt sat on her lap as the tree shelters the rain little droplets falling from time to time.
Sophie wrapped her arms around her torso and closed her eyes. She shivered as the cold wind picked up as night fell. Suddenly a twig snapped and bolt started growling. Sophie opened her eyes and a few feet away were these 2 na'vi. One bigger then the other. The little one looks around sophies age. Sophies breath hitched in her throat, she quickly slid bolt off her and stood up back against the tree.

"Hey hey easy we won't hurt you." The bigger one says. The smaller na'vi by his side. Rain falling down on the pair. Sophie slowly bent down picking up a large stick. She stayed crouching for a minute before quickly standing up and pointing it at them.

"Stay away!!" She screamed, waving the stick around. Her little chest rising and falling quickly.

"Okay hang on, I can help you where are your parents?" The bigger na'vi asks. Sophie looked at the ground.

"I don't know I-" her sentance is stopped by a little sneeze. She took a deep breath and slid of her mask slightly wiping her nose with her jacket sleeve. She then quickly slid it back on taking a deep breath.
"I went to play in the forest yesterday and I got lost and then I found bolt and then I wondered to far and I was tired so I took a nap then I woke up and it was day and now I'm here." She threw the stick down in annoyance as her little child voice explains. The bigger na'vi just nods. Suddenly these glowing squid like seeds appears from behind sophies tree. The moved down and landed on her body. One on her head, some on her arms, legs, shoulders. Sophie felt herself calm down as these things touched her. She giggled. The older and younger na'vi looked at her with their mouths gaping open.

"Ok stay still." The older na'vi said. This made Sophie panic but she listened and stayed still. Suddenly they lifted off of her body and continued on their path through the forest.

"Dad did eywa just touch her?" The younger na'vi asks. The older one bobbles his head side to side .

"Sorta...they are woodsprite, they contain small amounts of eywas spirit." Jake explains. Suddenly a sneeze came from Sophie. And her eyes drooped.

"Dad is she getting sick?" The little na'vi asks carefully taking a step forward. The bigger na'vi looks down.

"I'm not sure probably due to how long she's been out here...what's your name baby girl?" He asks moving to crouch down before her.

"Sophie Socorro, that's my mums last name but my dads last name is Miller, they aren't married." The 2 na'vis looked at eachother. "What are your names?" Sophie asked. Jake smiled.

"You aren't trying to attack us anymore." Sophie gasped forgetting. She face palmed.

"Shit I forgot.." she says with a sigh. The bigger na'vi just laughed.

"Well..I'm jake sully and this is my son neteyam sully." Neteyam waved. Sophie smiled lightly. Followed by a yawn her eyes drooping. Jake gave her a pitiful look.

"Dad she's cute can we keep her!" Neteyam says looking at her. Jake laughs. He looks down at the sleepy child. "We can't leave her out here all alone she will die!" Neteyam says his face full of worry and concern. Jake smiles.

"Sophie would you like to come with us?" He asks looking at him. Neteyam smiles looking excited. Sophie looks up thinking.

"What about my mum and dad?" She asks looking worried. Her eyes welling up. Jake looks over to neteyam then back at her.

"You can stay with us until we find them, we will send squads out tomorrow to look for them, does that sound good." Jake says and Sophie nods.

"What about bolt? What will he do?" Sophie asks looking at him. Bolt still glaring at the pair.

"Bolt lives in the forest it's his home, but he can live close to where we are and you can see him every day." Jake says. There's a bit of silence for a minute until neteyam speaks.

"Are you hungry?" Sophie's  belly growling answering for her. Her cheeks flush red in embarrassment. She sighs.

"I'll come but only if there's food." She says looking at Jake. He smiles.

"Yes there's food, now come on before the rain gets worse." Jake says holding out a hand. Sophie grabs one of his fingers due to her little hands. Neteyam climbs on his back as they start walking through the raining forest. "Neytiri may have a shock with this one." Jake says to himself.

The rest of the walk home neteyam continued to ask her questions about her home and just random stuff she likes. What Sophie didn't know is that she would never see her parents again.

Hi I know this is a short chapter but it's just introducing some character's and Sophie's back story!! But I hope you like it! (Edited)

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