4| The arrival of chaos

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PEOPLE THINK OF laughing as a noise that comes from the mouth, but when Seara laughed it was nothing like that. The laugh was in her eyes, in the way her face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. Yet truly, it wasn't in her face either. Her laugh came from within, the unruly joy that swirled within the pits of her stomach as they ascended the skies.

One flap of Balerion's mighty wing span was enough to send them to the heavens and had Seara question whether or not she was close to meeting the seven.

It was the only sound that Balerion could get her to wield.

Not even Isaiah could get her to laugh with such a childlike wonder.

As they continued to ascend, Seara had wondered if anyone noticed how pretty the sky was today, how the blue was bright and soft all at once. She wonders if they saw the serenity of the clouds that sailed by, gently passing on toward any place the wind wishes them to reach.

She wonders if they let their eyes rest upon their white tops and follow the infinite greys that blend so harmoniously with one another, almost bluish. She wonders if they, as she did, imagined them to be Beluga whales swimming through a clean ocean, a happy family, singing, and playing, a reflection of the family she wished to be in, once. If they did, Seara hoped they felt at least a little of what she felt, a calm sense of awe as warm as sunny rays.

But of course, they couldn't. No one but a true-blooded Targaryen could experience the feelings she was feeling. Sure, they could picture the Beluga whales as she did, picture them swimming amongst the sky.

But the small folk could only watch from afar, looking into the sky.

Seara of course, had the fortune of being in the sky and swimming with them.

And so she laughed, a feeling she wasn't familiar with tumbling from her lips.

A sensation of happiness that could only be related to Balerion, clawing up her throat and displaying its nature to the world.

Her white faded scar stretched as her cheeks widened with her smile.

This is what it is, to be a dragon!

She could cry, truly. The feeling that Balerion had given her.

She was lucky to have her beast, two sides of the same coin.

But as her own laugh spewed from her lips, Isaiah's scream tumbled from his throat, a harsh sound that encouraged Searas's laughter.

"This is madness!" he screamed from behind her, his hands secured tightly around her as he buried his face within her shoulder.

"I can't-"

"You can!" Sara shouted, her voice muffled by the wind that shamelessly whipped their faces. Silver and brown hair knotting together.

"Just, breathe!" Seara exclaimed, arms splayed out as wide as she could allow them. She pretended for a moment that she was one with Balerion, that it was their wings instead of his.

Occasionally, it was hard to feel like she was a separate being from her dragon. Sometimes it felt like they were so closely knitted. Souls too entwined with one another.

It was a pity really, it would have been a good day to fly anywhere but to Kings Landing.

But an opportunity had presented itself. And it was too dear to give up.

Somewhere along the flight, Isaiah let go of her, a gesture that sparked a concern that he managed to fall.

Seara was happy to find that he only passed out instead.

"Dracarys," Seara said, a word so beautifully destructive caressing her tongue as his black flames embraced her figure like a long, lost loved ones hug.

It was like this for a while, a calm that was just her and Balerion. nothing but the sky and the ocean beneath her.

But she saw the smudge of red on the horizon, and her hand tapped the back of Isaiah's thigh.

"Wake up, my bastard nephew. We have arrived."

Isaiah yawned, his eyes a hazy fog as they opened and slowly blinked away the sun. He glanced around, eyes taking in the sky, the bird, the clouds and the-

"Dear gods!" he yelled in their mother tongue, hands flying back around his aunt's stomach as observed the beast beneath him.

The beast beneath him was truly massive. Too big that even his peripheral vision was clouded with him. In a way, it was overwhelming to be ontop of such a giant creature.

"A warning next time would do me some good, Aunt," he suggested, eyes ablaze with panic as he clutched onto the fabrics of her riding armour.

Sears's tongue clicked at the back of her mouth, her child-like joy dying at the sight of the city coming closer.

"How does one warn someone of a dragon, when no one has lived to tell the tale?" she scoffed, a small smirk lifting the corner of her cheek.

The fact that the citizens of King Landing, who were used to seeing dragons soaring by, nonetheless managed to scream when they saw Balerion's lone wing covering the entire city.

Seara found it quite comical.

It appeared to be a shadow that, by the time it was gone, had made the city frigid. And Seara couldn't help but laugh in response to the screams of the women, men and children within the keep.

She felt her very being shaken by the cries. An adrenaline that she could not describe constricting her chest as she regarded the keep's open gates.

She arrived. After waiting for so long. So much time was endlessly dedicated to planning on the rocky shores of Dragonstone, in which she and Isaiah had lived right under her brother's nose.

Did her brother know how much restraint it took all these years not to march into the very walls of Dragonstone and plunge her dragon glass dagger into his cheek?

As payment for mine, she reassured herself. The restless Dragon within her could at least mellow for a minute, soothed by the picture the kingdom before her painted.

She knew within that the blood of her brother wouldn't be too far away.

In order to lower the ropes in the middle of the flight, she released the chains that were around Isaiah and herself.

She landed on the stone in front of the Red Keep's gates with a sneer on her face and fire in her eyes, oblivious to the shock and little discomfort that had travelled up her ankles as she took in the view of her former residence.

Seara's hair began to flow beneath the weight of Balerion's wings as he proceeded to fly into the distance as instructed by his rider, while Isaiah crouched behind her, a hand on the hilt of his sword.

Seara had seen many things about the keep at first glance, including the fact that it didn't appear to be either new or the same.

It was a weird sensation, Seara observed. To anticipate the nostalgia her home had provided but receive nothing in return.

She assumed that the keep was as lifeless to her as her brother would soon be.

She soon realised she had interrupted Veamond Velaryon's grand entrance, and all that had stirred in the pit of her stomach was a sense of satisfaction as he and his bannerman stared foolishly at her. Their mouths agape in shock as she entered the keep, her smile widening. However, Veamond Valaryian's eyes weren't the only ones on her; in fact, Seara was overjoyed to report that she had captured the attention of her pureblooded nephew, his silver hair glinting under the sun, his eye patch on display for all to see as he stared at her, his sword still outstretched and pointing at no other than his own nephews,

And Seara concluded with great pleasure,

That the bastard eyes of Jacaerys and Lucerys Velaryon were looking at her too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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