1 | The rouge prince, The rotting king, The savage daughter

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In the beginning

They say Chaos awakened when the gods flipped the silver coin named Seara Targaryen. A small babe that inflicted a painful labour, and an even bitter outcome. A small babe, that did not wail upon the first breath that filled her tiny lungs. A pair of lavender eyes underneath a small tuft of platinum hair, wide, calculated and observing that's made midwives frown, her father scorn, and her brothers cower.

Had there ever been a recorded case of a newborn babe that had not cried?

An anomaly, to be sure.

Perhaps it was as Alyssa Targaryen, sickly and pale, gave birth to her first daughter Seara, in a white sheen of sweat, and watched as her child drew her first breath, she had managed to breathe her last.

The weak thrum of her heart stilled under the immense pressure of her rib cage. An organ that grows cold and hollow from exhaustion as Searas siblings wept at the loss of their mother, too young to fully understand but old enough to know that if their father, a man of seriousness, had managed to shed tears, surely it was due to the unresponsiveness of what was their mother's warm hand that their father now clutched so dearly.

Surely it was due to the child who had not yet cried, but had managed to wail, after their mother's last breath, as if stealing a life that was not hers to take.

Yes, the gods certainly flipped a coin, Daemon had concluded, violet eyes widened in horror at the image before him as he cluched his elder brother's hand in the corner of his parents shared chamber

When life had been given to Seara Targaryen,  she had managed to steal life just as quickly in return. Not only shown through the evidence of his mother, but the white and sliver scaled egg that was left forgotten in the corner of the room, cold and left to be without a crack for many moons. 


"Daemon! Wait for us!" Young Seara shouted, small clammy hands tightening around her elder brother, Viserys, as he gently helped his youngest sister over the sharp rocks of Dragonstone.  

Daemon laughed in protest, a sound of joy that bounced off the tall rocks as his small feet ran as quick as they could carry him.

The tales of dragons, some of the old and the new swirled fresh in the young sibling's minds, eager to climb the biggest of jagged rocks to get a glimpse of the riderless ones themselves.

Seara scowled at her brother, a motion that would not be seen as an agitated huff had left her lips and drowned under the harsh sound of the rage full waters.

"Come, sister." Viserys had muttered in the language of old Valyria, hoisting his small sibling over a rather large bolder.

"Brother, I'm moving as quickly as my legs will allow me to." She bit, the words coming easily from her tongue. Viserys pushed her rather forcefully against a rock, though, as he too, was eager to see one of the dragons he had only read about in the history books his sister and he had read aloud to one another in the depths of the library.

The trio had paused. A rumble, an earthquake a splitting of the heavens that had rendered them still.

Great large beasts over a large hill on Dragonstone had allowed the siblings to gape. Beasts of different colours grazed on the green, grassy grounds in between valleys or glided freely across the skies. Wings wide enough to swallow 100 men whole in a dark, vengeful shadow with teeth big enough to slaughter.

For The Love Of Kin | Aemond Targaryen  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें