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It's been two months since I have observed something mysterious in this man. Something so suffocating. 

Nowadays I feel claustrophobic around him. His presence, his gaze hit me with a feeling of unpredictable danger even though he has not done anything dangerous to me. At least not yet. 

His childish behaviour thanks to Schizophrenia also feels suspicious to me. I often feel heartbroken to even think of a mentally unstable person in such a way but sometimes my mind just can not stop giving me negative signals. Sometimes it feels as if he does not even care about hiding anything that he is most probably hiding from me. I do not know if the illness is really an act or not , nor do I have any sort of proof of him lying constantly to me , to the world but my gut feeling always indicates an impending danger that is yet to devour me, ruin me , break me and leave me lifeless. 

His unrealistic attitude, incomprehensible words , uncontrollable anger, uncertain mind and childish voice are not abnormal to me, actually I am quite familiar with all these and also used to it. To me, this is the normal him who does not scare me, but my fear arose when I witnessed his normal behaviour for the first time . A bit too normal for a patient of Schizophrenia. 

I don't know if I am the one who is hallucinating or daydreaming as I really want to cure him but two months ago, while I was feeding him soup, I felt like I suddenly heard his normal voice, maybe for 1 or 2 seconds. Right after that he started behaving just like a typical patient. I also clearly remember what he said during that time. His sudden deep voice is still lingering in my ear. 

“So, you finally bloomed in my garden, Rose!”

Fear's Whisper Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora