But Lisa just scratched her head and gave out her cheeky grin. "Well, you see, two months ago I went to see Jennie and told her about my wedding, I told her I'm setting her free if she doesn't really trust me and doesn't find any reason to stay by my side. You know how ex sometimes do closure right?"

The crowd goes 'Oohh' as they understand what Lisa meant. I felt heat burnt my cheeks at what she's trying to imply. Though it didn't happen, it's going to be the new truth everyone will believe.

"Did you already talk with the Park's? How will be your relationship with them after what happened? Will you now continue your relationship with Ms. Kim?" Another question raised.

"I would still help the Park if they would ask to. And I apologize for the mess. I will personally ask for their forgiveness once all calm down. I know Rosé was also forced into marriage for the sake of their company and I'm happy knowing that she and her girlfriend get back with each other now. I think this incident just gave us lesson to not easily gave up on things, I gave up on the person I love thinking I had loss, but the truth is I really didn't push harder to earn her back, I let her slip away but I will do my very best now to make her feel she's enough and not make any move that would make her insecure or feel irreplaceable, ill try to make her feel all my love for her and our child" Lisa charmingly smile at everyone. 

She looks soft and sincere. Almost caught me off guard, damn how can a person lie so gracefully?

"Thank you so much for coming here and hearing my side of the story, I may not erase everyone's doubt but all I want is put an end to all these issue for the sake of my child" She ended her speech with a slight bow before stepping down the podium. Some media still have question, but she didn't answer it. Her intention was already done and now we wait for the result.

Her PR team was behind her as they take over the mic. Calming the press.

I slouched back to the sofa as I stare mindlessly at the ceiling. 

God what the hell did I involve myself into? 

We arrived afternoon here in South Korea and a press conference was waiting for Lisa. She let Bambam, her assistant take me to her office discretely and prompt me to wait while Lisa handle the situation about the scandal involving me and her. 

One of the PR team of Lisa came to me a while ago and briefed me about everything. She gave me a sympathetic smile as she ushered me to sit on the sofa in Lisa's office. It was so spacious with minimalistic design. My clinic could even fit inside her room, that's how huge it is.

"Media here in South Korea loves drama, a scandal like what the Chairman and you involve is a big issue here. And Issues about chairman cheating on her fiancé, can be subject to intense scrutiny and public opinion. There are certain aspects of the industry and societal expectations here that people abroad sometimes hard to understand, I know you're born here in Korea Miss Kim but you were raised abroad so you might have confusion why the issue is being followed by the media. Ms. Manoban has always been a darling of the press, she's young, good looking and successful, her image has been established in the business industry as one of the powerful young businessman in the country, she's been link to different famous actresses and issue like this will pretty much benefit them that's why they are feasting on it right now." Lisa's head of PR team explained to me before the conference started.

I nodded my head in understanding. I have some few ideas about the societal expectation and culture here in South Korea. They followed such strict standard, Its one thing to be called a player but its another thing to be called a cheater and a jerk who impregnant a woman and left her. That's not really a good start of  a introduction to tell to a client. And Lisa surely was not happy being branded like that.

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