specimen #815

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Subject name: Harold

Age: 43

Gender: male


Description: a humanoid specimen that is able to manipulate the shape of an object by using its strand of hair, the specimen is able to change the shape of objects by placing its strand of hair on it then bending it these object can arrage from plants, non inanimate objects, animals, and even humans to an extent

Nature: docile and caring

threat level: 3

Current status: safely contained

Origins: during the war of [redacted] the scientists began experimenting on human subjects to make a war weapon out of specimen 815 used to be a 45 year old human male that volunteered to be a test subject for v corps and was very useful in the war of [redacted] the specimen seems to be docile and have no malicious intent the specimen is currently working directly for v corps to do more research on chemical [redacted]

appearance: a normal human male with tan skin tone and brown hair and is nostly seen wearing a blue and green shirt

Specimen's trustworthy level: very high

End of log

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