Chapter 1. Encounter

Start from the beginning

This night in particular, Jisung had worked on his computer passionately for around nine hours before deciding that he needed some sort of a break. It was late August, a lonely Friday night spent staring into a computer monitor and working on the same remixed track he had been stuck on for the last week. His phone was empty of notifications and his mind was incredibly fried. He needed another outlet, at least, just for this one time. He needed to go out into the world and get some fresh air. But, that could also be the smell of his apartment rotting his brain. God, he really needed to clean.

He takes it upon himself to finally text Felix and Seungmin in their shared group chat which, as of late, had remained quiet for more than a couple of days. Everyone was busy, working their boring shifts and making money to live comfortably. But Jisung was bored. He needed his friends more than he ever has, finally deciding he needs more than just a five minute break.

I need to go out. Please say you'll come with me.


You're lucky you found me with no plans.

I'm in.


I guess I'll go too just because you asked nicely.

I need a drink. Who knows of a good bar around here?

One that isn't going to be riddled with people either.


I know one. I'll send you guys the address.

Please don't be late, Jisung.

Who said I was ever late?

Jisung knew he was usually always late, but he wanted to go out. Surely he wasn't going to be late. Then again, when he looked down at his clothes and smelled the lack of showering he had done for the week, he might be a little late.

Nevermind. I might be late.

Gotta shower.

Be there in like twenty.

Jisung throws his phone on the couch behind his desk, jumping out of his desk chair and running into the bathroom without another thought.

He's relatively quick, washing his hair and putting on a clean change of clothes within ten minutes before spending the next five minutes styling his hair and adding accessories to his outfit of choice.

Was he looking to earn some intimate company for the night? Not really. But, it didn't hurt to at least try and look like he was worth buying a drink for. He was already running kind of late, grabbing his phone and a jacket before tying on his boots and heading out the door, locking it shut haphazardly. He rushes down the stairs, mind in a blur as he opens the bar's location on his phone and realizes that it's a ten minute walk.

"Shit!" Jisung groans, eyeing the street ahead of him to try and hail a cab within a few seconds before giving up and walking dejectedly down the sidewalk. He made sure to text his friends that he was on the way and they didn't forget to tell him what a mess he was, to which he laughed off and pretended not to hear because deep down he knew that, he just didn't want to be reminded.

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