The Wedding Runaway Part 2

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Thousands of miles away from the palace, in the Rium forest, home to hundreds of beastmen, a celebration is taking place.

While the forest is full of bustling crowds of chitchatting animals, beastmen, and pixies in harmony, the topic of their discussion, the Second Prince Galen of the Rium Forest, was calmly sitting inside the Tree of Life, where only the direct line of royal beastmen resides, drinking his favorite jasmine tea.

The scene looks serene, peaceful, tranquil—you name it. However, it cannot be said that it's the same as the rhodonite-eyed prince's inner turmoil.

'Today is the day. Today's the day I get married. To that childish Clio, no less!! What could possibly go wrong?' he thought restlessly as he walked back and forth

'Well, there are certainly others who are worse to get married to. At least Father has a good eye.' his eyes flickered and his ears turned red when his mind flashed back to his childhood friend-soon-to-be-fiance's mischievous face.

But as he thought of his father's atrocious wardrobe, he shook his head.

As his overthinking continued, he barely registered a familiar fluttering of wings, but as he snapped out of whatever reverie he was in, he saw a bird perched on the rim of his opened window.

'Wonder how Clio is fairing? Knowing her, she probably forgot it and is panicking by now' he fondly chuckles, as if he wasn't close to having a panic attack by just overthinking a minute ago, hands stroking the bird's fluffy feathers. 

While stroking the ruffled feathers of the bird, he notices a rolled piece of parchment hanging from its neck. Pausing for a moment, a fond smile broke out on his face for a split second, you'll wonder whether you're imagining it.


Hey Prince! Miss me? Hmph! You better!(☞◣д◢)☞

You wouldn't believe it! The gown was soo hideous! Honestly, it's sooo lacy-ly, why can't I wear silk? It's more comfortable than that abomination! I don't wanna wear ittt!! (ノ⋟﹏⋞)ノ彡┻━┻

P.S. I'll go there immediately to pick you up, make sure to pack some gold and clothes!─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ

Your gorgeous wife ★~(◠‿◕✿)

-Clio xoxo



'the drawings, the drawings are cute' Closing his eyes, he bobs his head up and down like a woodpecker convincing himself.

Sigh, he better pack his bag before that imp gets he- .....why is she going to pick me up? What is she up to now?? Isn't tonight our wedding?! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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