Denying his orders

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(If you haven't read the discription, you should really read it, so you know what's going on.)

"Um, I think you have the wrong vamp, I never get hunted" I laughed. "Well then, just look at your side" he causally stated. I looked and it was bandaged up. "Ok, but that can be from anyone" I portested. "Hmm, ok, well then why isn't it healing up quickly?" he asked. "Um, I dont know" I stammered. Maybe this guy is right, maybe he did save my life. "Well I don't want to serve you" I stated. "You don't have a choice, I know how you vampires are, I've been studying you guys for ages. Once a human saves your life, you are forcd to serve them for the rest of your life" he attested. "I'll leave" I sassed. "Try, but I order you to not walk through that door" he declared. I got up, and right as I reached the door, my feet stopped in their tracks. I turned around, trying to figure out what to say. "Now come here" he ordered. I tried to fight it, but my feet moved toward him. "Good girl~" he soothed. My face turned red. "Now I have to leave for work, you can roam around the house, but you can't go outside, got it?" he asked. "Mhm, it's not like I have an option" I shot back. "Don't you dare have an attitude with me" he demanded. "I can if I want to, cause as far as I know, you only control my movement, not my mind or voice" I sassed. "Mmmm, I'll deal with this later" he stated. Then he got up and walked out.

A couple of hours later he walked in, I was sitting on the couch drinking blood from a pouch, and watching TV. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm eating" I sassed. "Those are a treat, not for you to just take" he growled. "But, I needed to eat" I mocked. "Did you forget that I own you, you are mine, you have to obey me" he demanded. "No, I didn't forget, I hate the fact that you own me" I yelled. "Get your ass up those stairs, and go to your room" he growled. I listened and walked up there, I saw a room that was mostly black and red, the drapes were light blocking, and there was dim lights. Wow, he knows what I like. What else does he know? Fuck, I hope thats all. I went and layed down in the bed. I noticed that there was a TV arcossed the room, I turned it on, and went through the channels. Then he walked in. "You listened" he stated. "Yeah, I don't have a choice" I sassed. "That's right" he stated. "Ok then, what do you want now?" I asked. "Nothing" he smirked. Then he started to look me up and down. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, can I not admire whats mine?" he asked. "No, not when that person is umcomfortable with it" I stated. "Mmm, I don't think your uncomortable with it, I think it makes you nervous" he smirked. "Um, no it does not" I sassed.

He stepped closer. "Then why is your heart racing?" he asked. "It's not" I whispered. I didn't want him know he affected me. He stepped closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face. "What do you want me to do to ya, huh?" he asked. "Nothing" I stated. He then grabbed my face, and kissed me, I leaned into the kiss. Then after a minute he broke the kiss and looked in my eyes. "If I didn't affect you, then why did you kiss me back?" he asked. "Um, because" I stammered, I couldn't answer that. "Answer little one" he demanded. "Because it was nice of me to do it" I stated. "Mmm, I can tell your lying" he smirked, then he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Now tell me honestly, or your getting pumished" he demanded. "Fine, because I wanted too" I whispered, then I looked away. "Good" he soothed. "Now I'm going to tell you the rules" he stated. "Ok" I replied. "Number one, you only get to eat when I say you get to, number two, I will not acceept lying, number three, any rule or anything you dont follow or listen to, you will be punished, no matter how bad the puishment is" he stated. "Ok" I replied. "Number four, you will call me master, no matter what, number five, you will never leave this house, no matter what, number six, and the last rule, you listen no matter what" he stated. "Yes" I mumbled. "Yes what?" he asked. "Yes master" I recited. "Ok, good, looks like its getting late, so you go to bed, I know you usually sleep during night, but I know you can switch, so" he smirked. "Yes master, do you have any sleeping pills, then?" I asked. "Yes, here, I came prepared" he stated as he handed me some pills.

When he left I sat there and though while I waited for the medicine to kick in. He really thinks I'll listen to all of those, as if, I don't submit to anyone. Especially a human, who does he think he is? Just because he saved my life, doesnt mean he can own me. You know what, on of these days I'll save his life, then the bond will be broken. So I won't have to deal with his pathetic ass anymore. But at that moment, I started to feel drowsey, then soon after, I feel asleep.


Notes from author, sorry this is a shorter chapter, but I'm writing this for halloween, so I hope all of you enjoy it, even after halloween. This story will be a permanent story on my page, so it's not going anywhere anytime soon. But love all of ya, mwahh <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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