Chapter 1

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Erin's POV:

'Holtz, are you sure about doing this?' I said and looked around, cautiously. 'I'm sure. I stole all the spare keys and every door is locked.' She replied, reassuring me. I suddenly got a burst of lust and need. I pushed my body towards hers and connected our lips. I felt Holtzmann's hand trail down and into my jeans, rubbing me through my panties. I panted and moaned her name. ‘Ah Holtzmann~! Yeah!!’

"Holtzmannnn!!" I woke up and felt a form of disappointment that it was all a dream. I slowly opened my eyes and was startled by the sight. Holtz was there, staring back at me.
“Yes, ma'am~?” She said with a wink. I felt my cheeks grow a dark red colour.
“I-I... Sorry.” I sat up and scrambled off of the couch. I had fallen asleep on Holtzmann's couch that she keeps to sleep when she works late.
“Uh- bye Holtzmann.” I said, awkwardly shuffling down the stairs.

“Oh, hey Erin.” Abby said in a very monotonal voice. “Hello...” I sighed and picked up my bag.
“I've got to go, see you later.” I practically ran out of the firehouse and back to my apartment. There, I fell asleep straight away, dreaming about Holtzmann again, only this time more subtle and sweet.

Holtzmann's POV:

I'm so confused... why did Erin run off? And why was she talking about me in her sleep? I wondered as I zoned out, not focusing on my project.

“Thinking about Erin again?” Patty snapped me out of my trance and I laughed awkwardly.
“N-No... Why would I be thinking about Erin? I 100% wasn't thinking about Erin. Definitely wasn't thinking about Erin.” Patty gave me the 'really' look.
‘‘I see the way you look at her Holtz. You need to tell her how you feel.’’ Patty suggested. My eyes widened and I looked down.
“Noo- she'd hate me.” I shook my head and messed with my hands.
“No she would not. It's Erin man she doesn't have the balls to hate anyone.” Patty let out a chuckle and so did I.
“True... She was moaning my name in her sleep.” I blurted out without thinking.
“SHE WHAT??!?!” The woman almost fell over with shock.
“Shit- I can't believe I just told you that. I didn't tell you that.” I shook my head and looked down.

“Hey, Holtz?” Patty placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up to the tall lady. “I ain't gonna force you to do anything but I really think you should confront her.”
I sighed and nodded slowly. “I guess I'm just waiting for the right time.” I shrugged and turned back to my work, trying to get the brunette out of my mind - it didn't work. Nothing did. I sighed and gave in, sending her a text.

H- 'Hey, Erin?'

A few minutes went by and I was just stood, waiting for a reply.

E- 'Hi Jillian.'

H- ‘You know I hate when you call me that, you naughty girl ;).’

E- 'Sorry, Holtzmann, What's up?'

H- 'I need to talk to you and I don't want to do it over messages. If you can, come back to the firehouse at 8pm. - Holtz x'

The replies ended and I worried if she would come at all. I guess I just had to wait.

My Love All Mine // A holtzbert storyWhere stories live. Discover now