Chapter 2

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Madeline Collins


"Momma?" I called once I walked in the apartment door. I looked around for a moment before I spotted her on the balcony. I dropped my stuff off on the couch before I walked over to her. I kissed her head and sat down next to her. "Hiya mom, how was your day?" She just sat their like normal as I silently sighed. "Well mine was good. You remember my patient Doris? Yeah well she was discharged today from the chemo unit. We're all hopeful she'll make it into remission. And we also got a new baby in the NICU. She's very cute.

I don't remember her name, but she is honestly a little cutie. Oh and Andrew Willard, the other cna came over today and bought me lunch. I think he's upset that I'm going to college soon. What about you? How do you feel about me moving? I haven't made a decision quite yet. I don't know if I want to leave or not. I know Dad's happy for me. What do you think I should do?"

I don't know I keep asking her questions. It's not like she'll answer me. But I waited anyways to she if she would reply. She didn't, she just sat there in her chair. My mom's been sick for awhile now and doctors can't figure out what's going on. That's why I decide to become a nurse. I wanted to see if I could help at all. My dad loves the idea, but he barley sees me. He has work to support our little apartment even though he hates working all the time. That's why I'm apprehensive moving away for college.

I can either go to Penn State or Michigan, but I don't know. They're both seem so far away. I could just always go to a community college like dad wants. But all the colleges around here are all farming degrees.

That's what happens when you live in a farming community.

We live in the one apartment complex in our town. We didn't always live here. Before mom got sick, we lived further out of town near all the pastures. That was back when I was convinced I would be a barrel racer.

Good times.

"Anyway, are you hungry? I can run over to the diner and grab something to eat. I don't know how much though since I'm low on cash, but we'll figure it out. I'll be back okay? I love you momma." I paused before I got up and grabbed my coat. It was starting to get colder the closer we got to fall.

Once I was out the door, I hopped on my bike and rode to the diner. I smiled to everyone as I got closer and spotted Andrew and his brother there. They both smiled wide and walked over.

"Hi boys."

"Hello again Maddy." Andrew smiled as he nudged his brother who shook his head. I giggled quietly. "So my brother here is going to college at Michigan and wanted to know if you were as well. He said he would love to help you move in next week during freshman orientation. Right Garret?"

"Um yeah, that's right." He scratched his neck as I thought about it. It would be nice to have someone make the decision for me. It's been hard trying to figure out where to go.

"I will certainly think about it. I have your number right?" His eyes widened. "In case I have questions?"

"Oh yeah. I think you do."

"I do. Well if that's all boys, I need to grab dinner." I smiled before Garret threw down a twenty and winked.

"Enjoy your dinner." He said softly as I tried to give it back. He shook his head at me. "Take it Maddy. It's a gift."

I sighed, "But-"

"No. Let me pay for you dinner. Please enjoy it." He insisted as I grumbled and took it. I hate taking charity. I always feel so guilty when anyone gives my family money. Like it's their money, why are they giving it to us?

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