Chapter 5

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#73 Rhys Doyle


I was stressed. My uncle and his family are going to be here in twenty minutes as I'm still dressed like a fool. Madeline asked to hang out at the library and since I couldn't say no, I got all cozy. She laughed when she saw me and it was a fantastic sound, but now I look stupid.

Who even wears sweaters?

"Rhys dude, you look fine. I'm sure your uncle won't care what you look like." Garret laughed at me as I groaned. I walked out of the bathroom we shared with the room on the other side as he looked up from his computer. "I don't get it, what's the big deal?"

"It just is." I huffed and pulled my sweater off. Garret whistled at me as I threw it at him.

"Honestly just go like that. I'm sure no one will care." He cackled as I grabbed a hockey shirt and UMich hat. His smirk fell off his face as he groaned. "You look like you do everyday! I thought you wanted to make a big impression?"

"This is." I nodded to myself. I felt comfortable in this and confident. It's not that I freaking out that Greyson was coming over or Aunt Amelia, it was Madeline.

I told her my uncle was coming and now she wants it to be this whole big thing. She demanded I took her home right away so she could figure out how to make cupcakes without an oven.

It was an accident waiting to happen.

So now here I was trying to prove to my family that this is where I was supposed to be. They wanted a whole tour and everything. Which leads me to being stressed. I looked down at my phone after it buzzed to see they were hear early. This was just great.

Rhys: they're here help

Madeline: You've got this! Want me to come over?

Rhys: no i got to do this myself
Rhys: see you soon

Madeline: <3

What does the heart mean? I looked up at Garret who was completely focused on his homework and gave up. I doubt he will know.

So I walked down to the student center and waited in one of the chairs. Families were bustling about hugging and crying as they saw each other. I noticed one of Madeline's friends was her with her family, but things looks tense.

What was taking them so long?

I looked down at my phone and Madeline's message stated into me. It seemed so natural for her to send that. Was it? Or did she just send it because it was me? I was at a loss.

I was focused on her message I didn't notice someone was standing above me. I looked up to see my mom and dad standing there in front of my uncle and his family.

Oh shit.

I clicked my phone off and stood up fast almost falling straight over. My dad steadied me as I smiled. He smiled back and pulled me into a hug. I looked at my uncle over his shoulder as he grinned. This was definitely all of his doing.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were busy?" I gasped as my mom pulled me to her. Even after not playing for years, her grip is intense.

"I pulled a few strings to see you. I missed my boy." She whispered as I hugged her harder. I can admit I missed her too. "Besides, this also gives me a chance to talk to Coach Sean. He's been in my way for a couple of days now."

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