I stepped on the same leaves from yesterday as I walked to the base that's down the street. "Where did you get that coat?" One of the teen boys asked, I wonder why they made him do this so early, he's still young.

I want to help him, I need to stop them!

"I stole it," I lied instead, I of course didn't, I've stolen enough things in my life before they switched my job, I can't do it again it'll kill me. "Lucky," he murmured before leaving to join the rest of the boys his age.

I'd call them his friends, but I'm sure they're not, we don't make friends here, we're only made to make money.

Everyone is too pissed off to be friendly.

" Han, in the back." A strong rough voice said from behind me, I didn't turn, knowing what I'll see will only scare me.

I'm walking to the back of the bus that's going to take us to the event, slowly, observing my surroundings, none of the other people there look happy about going, which is understandable they think it's a normal day out in another club, they've never been to this part of the city before.

From what I learned, only me and 3 more were kidnapped, the rest of the team, if that's what we're going to call them, were given by their families or orphans that lived on the streets before they were collected by the base owners, for them, this was rescuing.

I still remember the three kidnapped children, I still remember their death and their blood that dried in the same ground I'm standing on right now.

I swallowed trying to shake the idea from my brain as I took a seat at the back of the bus.

The bus looked as old as the base building, barely holding itself together, nothing about it says it's safe to be in, but we all still are, hoping we'll make it there before the bus give up.

Part of me hopes the opposite.

The drive wasn't long but it's the longest we've had, I was able to tell when we entered the city that holds our destination in one of its streets it also holds your home. The buildings looked different, the streets had less homeless people, it was just as beautiful as my memory of it.

"We're 5 minutes away from the building, do not steal anything and do not talk to people if it's not necessary." The same man that gives us the instructions every time said. No one replied, no one ever did.

As told, the bus stopped 5 minutes later in front of a really tall beautiful building, you can't tell what's being held inside the building but there it's just going to be a type of art, or so I hoped, cause maybe then I won't feel as unworthy as I always do.

We were led inside by the base owners after they faked a nice show in front of the guards who somehow let us in.

The air-conditioned atmosphere quickly took control of my body cells making it shiver, I'm particularly naked under the light coat I could barely afford.

"Team base. Is that correct?" A teenage girl with a dark red shirt and jeans asked the owners, "yes that's us," I could see the judging looks the girl gave all of us, I don't blame her.

"That's great, unfortunately tho you won't be able to stay during the event as you came already dressed in your outfits so I'll lead you backstage," she didn't know it's the only clothes we had, she probably never will.

Backstage was as small as I thought it would be making all eleven of us squeeze between each other.

More sweat to wash, another not mine added.

Our show was meant to be at the end of the event, but given the current situation they decided to change the plans to make everyone at the beginning.

Everyone but me of course.

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