Gu Xiaoze, who was holding hands with Mrs. Gu, was standing outside the door with his eyes closed in peace. He raised his sleepy black eyes and looked through his sunglasses.

Lili also stretched out her short hand and waved, "Brother Ozawa, it smells so good."

When the three cubs ran to the door, the door opened just in time, and Lin Yu, who had finished his meal, poked his head out Come, he nodded to Shi Sheng and Mrs. Gu first, then looked down at the Zai Zai, "Xiao Wen Xiao Yu, your parents are still cooking in the kitchen." He let the door close behind him.

The two parents went in with the five cubs.

Lin Yu went to hold her daughter's hand, "Xiaoyu, what did you buy with your brothers and sisters? Show it to daddy."

Xiaoyu pointed to Brother Xiaoyu, "They are all at Brother Xiaoyu's place."

Zaizai Sitting in rows on the couch in the living room, Gu Xiaoze forced his way from seat five to the front of Lili and became seat one.

The finished products purchased by the trio at noon were also placed on the table. Lin Yu reached out to flip through them and took an exaggerated breath, "Five pancakes?"

The weight of five pancakes put together was quite shocking, and he was dumbfounded.

Xiao Li and Gu Xiaoze, who couldn't buy anything with twenty yuan.

Xiaoyu nodded and stretched out her five fingers, "Yes, we found a small cart. The aunt said that a pancake doesn't add anything and only costs five yuan!"

Xiaowen also nodded, "We have thirty yuan in total!"

Xiao Yu also said, "Thirty yuan can buy six pancakes!"

Lili counted on her fingers, "Five pancakes, that's twenty-five." Yuan."

He said "Wow" a little, "That's a lot."

The price was so cheap that Gu Xiaoze, who was leaning on the sofa in boredom, sat up and cast his eyes suspiciously at the pancakes piled on the table. hill.

Xiaoyu jumped off the sofa, sat in front of the table, rummaged in the bag, and took out a handful of lollipops, so many that she had to hold them with both hands, "We had five yuan left, so we found a I bought five lollipops at the convenience store."

Even Lin Yu was a little shocked, "What else?"

Xiaowen said, "These are what Xiaoyu told us, sister Xiaoyu is so amazing, she knows everything! "

Xiaoyu pulled down her skirt nervously and shook her head, "No, dad told me."

Xiaoyu picked up two more pancakes and put them into the hands of Lili and Gu Xiaoze, "We I don't know where my younger brother and Brother Ozawa went after that. I'm afraid you can't find anything to eat. Here."

Lili hugged the hot pancake and held it with both hands in a daze. She couldn't help but lift Yuanyuan. His dark eyes looked at the three brothers and sisters.

The three cubs all take good care of their younger brother, who is the youngest in the group of five and seldom takes the initiative to speak, and is somewhat quiet, and brother Ozawa, who looks cool but is actually so-so.

Xiaowen and Xiaoyu nodded in agreement with Xiaoyu's words.

When Shili was still in disbelief, she stuttered and asked, "Buy it, buy it for Lili?"

Is it really for him?

Xiao Wen jumped down, picked up two lollipops, and put them into the hands of Gu Xiaoze and Xiao Li, "Yes, these lollipops are also for my brother!"

Li Li held the pancake and lollipop, My little hands could hardly hold it, and it still felt a little unreal. I subconsciously asked in confusion, "Why?"

Three pancakes and three lollipops only cost eighteen yuan. If you don't buy it for them, the brothers and sisters You can also spend twelve yuan to buy other delicious snacks.

The Chinese language duo was also confused, "There's no reason." They said in unison, "Aren't we friends?"

Xiaoyu said matter-of-factly, "Friends should share delicious food together."

Lili was stunned for a moment, then tightened the food in his hand. He suddenly remembered something, put the pancakes and candy on the table, opened his small backpack, and took out his milk powder bottle with some embarrassment, "Lili Only milk can be given to my brothers and sisters."

Xiaowen's eyes lit up slightly, "Wow, I haven't drunk it for a long time."

Xiaoyu also swallowed her saliva, "Is my brother really willing to share it with us?"

Sweet dairy products It has always been very popular among the cubs.

Shi Li immediately nodded his head vigorously, his tone was still a little nervous, but his penetrating black eyes were slightly curved without even realizing it, "Li Li is willing!"

Gu Xiaoze, who had been silent, suddenly said, "I don't have anything. But I can give you the chocolates I have at home when I come next time."

The cubs nodded together.

Tang Ming couldn't help but take the photo with his cannon lens and act as a photographer. Several parents couldn't help but smile knowingly.

The purpose of setting up today's program has reached Tang Ming's inner expectations at this moment, and even far exceeded it.

It not only cultivated the correct concept of money in the cubs, but also deepened the friendship between the five cubs.

Exactly a few seconds later, Guo Man and Mu Tan, who were busy in the kitchen, also came out with dishes. Three simple dishes and one soup, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried meat with green vegetables, and a bowl of scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts. The soup was stewed with enoki mushrooms. of.

Neither Shi Li nor Gu Xiaoze could eat any more, so the two pancakes were given to Mrs. Gu and Shi Sheng.

The five parents and their cubs sat on the long table in the restaurant. Those who were full would hold bowls of soup and those who were not full would hold pancakes or bowls to eat.

This was the first time Shi Sheng ate pancakes bought on the street. Fortunately, they tasted pretty good. He used disposable gloves to tear some of them into Shi Li's bowl.

Lili stuffed the pancake with meat sauce into her mouth, puffed her cheeks, and struggled to speak, "Guo Guo, good time."

Shi Sheng nodded, "Yeah." He continued, "I'll think about it next time. If you want to eat, you can ask your elder brother to take you to buy it."

Lili swallowed the pancake in her mouth, "Yeah!"

By the time the parents and cubs finished eating, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. It was already close to noon when they arrived at Haishi, not to mention that the cubs in the middle were still busy looking for food for a long time.

However, the program team also understands that children will definitely be tired after a day of flying and driving without the physical strength of adults, so they did not arrange any other activities in the afternoon.

All that's left is staying in the Toy Cottage.

Shi Sheng dragged two suitcases, one large and one small, and Lili followed behind with short legs. After arriving in Room 1, he tidied up a little. After a busy day, the exhausted cub lay down on the small bed. Fell asleep.

Before closing his sleepy eyes, he could still see his elder brother looking at his phone after packing his luggage, not knowing what he was doing.

The next second, the cub's consciousness fell into darkness.

When Lili was woken up, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon. When she got up, her head was dizzy, and she climbed out of the crib in a daze.

Lili is tired.

The cub rubbed his eyes after being woken up. After dinner, he should be able to have a good rest.

Dinner was arranged by the program team.

Not only Lili, but also several cubs hung their heads in a somewhat sleepy manner, grabbing at the rice in their bowls.

After eating and resting for a while, it would be seven or eight o'clock. Shi Sheng also faced the most difficult problem of taking the cub out for the first time - how to bathe his brother.

Their shooting time this time was only two days and one night. Xiang Xiaoying prepared two pieces of pajamas in Lili's suitcase, one was a thicker furry animal pajamas, and the other was a slightly thinner cartoon short-sleeved shorts.

I didn't know if the weather there would change suddenly, so I was ready for both cold and hot weather.

The bathroom has a shower and a bathtub.

Lili sat down on the ground, unpacking her suitcase. Her mother said, wear thinner clothes if it's hot.

The cub picked up his cartoon pajamas, turned his head and looked at his big brother, "Brother, did Lili wash the fragrance by herself?"

Shi Sheng was still looking down at his phone. After hearing the questioning voice, he frowned and looked at the smooth floor and deep and large bathtub in the bathroom. "Brother, help you." He put the phone on the bed in a hurry and placed it on the bed

Under the gaze of the cub, he stood up stiffly and went to put hot water in the bathroom.

I don't know if it's because I'm more helpless, or because I'm more afraid that something might happen to the cub.

Lili looked at her elder brother busy in the bathroom and got up, ready to put her pajamas on the bed and get them ready.

Out of the corner of my eye, I accidentally saw my brother's cell phone on the bed.

The screen was still on. It was the chat box interface of a familiar app. The avatar on the opposite side was that of a young man wearing a tie and a suit.

When Shili opened his eyes slightly, he recognized that it was his elder brother's assistant. There seemed to be a lot of messages on the other side, most of which were articles shared on public accounts. The title of each article was eye-catching and direct - [How to take children out? ]

[Things to note when taking a child on a plane for the first time]

[The correct posture to hold a baby]

[What can cubs eat? ]

The latest public account article was shared just now - [Should you use a shower or a bathtub when bathing a child? Which one is safer? What is the appropriate water temperature? 】

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