this is a one-shot btw 🤑

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,kaiser michael ☆ alexis ness
hanahaki disease

(I dont know much about Bluelock but the chokehold Kainess has on me 😭😭)
(Apologies if I got anything wrong, I don't know much about football aswell 🙏🙏)

"you're useless and pathetic, not worth me even calling your name-"
a voice spoke, with such hatred and emotions that were hard to deciper, hard to even attempt to look at.

but the person being spoken to could tell.

he was filled with shame just being near.

alexis ness, the 'magician', the heart of bastard munchen wondered, what did he ever do wrong? who did he wrong for his life to be so miserable-

he could feel the harsh words, insults tugging at his heart strings. he bit back the tears that were threatening to fall out, to show how vulnerable he was..

he couldn't even bring himself to glance at the person he devoted himself to, the person who constantly berated him and took their feelings out on him, the first person who had once showed him kindness and brought light to his dark, lonely and cold world.

"you're not even fun to play with anymore, yeah, have you seen yoichi? he's so selfish and I want to crush his ego so badly .. and he's harder to break and control unlike you."

"can't even appreciate my efforts spent on you."

ness swore he heard his heart crack when he heard those words. was michael really choosing that.. boring, worthless, plain-looking bastard over him?
was he.. so useless and boring?

no, no, no, it couldn't be true right? KAISER loved him, right? he wasn't getting sick and tired of ness, right?
well all of this had a start, of course.

-start flashback-

a metalic looking light blondie, with eyes the shade of a magenta you could stare into them for hours, child sat on the park bench while sniffling..

people walked past either thought he was annoying or pitiful. but noone tried to help, even the other children

alexis sniffled softer, he could see people glaring at him.. his sensitive heart stung while thinking of how lonely he felt.

he could beg for his mother to stay at home but she always didn't listen. he wanted attention, needed just a little bit of attention and affection but she rarely was at home.. her presence was like a 'once in a blue moon' type of thing.

"hey, you!" alexis looked up to see another boy who had blonde hair unlike his shade of blonde.. he looked around to see who that boy was calling to.

"No, you silly- i'm talking to you so stop looking around!.."
"Why are you so sulky? Come here! Let's play football!"
The other blonde spoke excitedly, Ness felt his whole world light up..

"I-I don't know how to play.." He accidentally spilled, immediately regretting his decision but he was ever ready for the other to just walk away after that.
"It's fine, I'll teach you!~" *The other replied.*

-end flashback-

alexis ness let the water run down his body. he stared at the shower taps without a word. his heart ached so badly, he wanted to apolgise to kaiser for even existing but he decided to just stay away from the other.

ness thought and thought before frowning, it was all because that little shit- isagi yoichi-

he felt a lump in his throat, coughing it out instantly. thats when he saw.
blue rose petals? and some blood?

what was going on? alexis was terrified and quickly finished up his shower. he had washed the rose petal off from any blood so he could further inspect it.

" I love you. " - bllk, kainess - hanahaki disease auWhere stories live. Discover now