How the actual book works

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The book is filled with a lot of empty pages in the beginning, if a keeper has passed it on to the next generation. The keeper has to choose someone of their choice.

Every keeper should be able to keep things to themselves, smart enough to understand, old enough to read the pages. Most keepers had a choice when passing it on, while others didn't in the case of a keeper's death without having chosen a new keeper, or having passed it on to a too young or too dumb person. In this case the guardians choose someone if the criterias aren't fulfilled by the new potential keeper within five days after the passing of the former keeper.

The best example is Schizu. The guardians see this smartness within being curious and understanding the importance of keeping a secret. Schizu does this. He keeps it a secret and the only one that can actually know about are him and his pet. He lacked the ability to read in the beginning, but the owl twins taught him two days after the passing, so it was alright. His father gave his mother the book, so she could give it to Schizu if he was old enough. As she had died before this was the case, Schizu had to take the book with him himself and this happen two days after the former keepers death.

The order of keepers was in this case:
Schizu's dad--}Schizu's mom--}Schizu

This case was just very unlucky. The book is not a curse which makes you die at a certain age. It just was an pretty unlucky coincidence.

The first page appears, when the new keeper opens the book for the first time. If they turn the page, the first two runes become visible. When they have performed one of them, the next one shows up and so on.

There is actually a limit for learnable runics for a year. You can learn 10 runics from every birthday to birthday as the highest, else you are gaining to much power too quickly. The pages also appear two days after you have drawn the last rune you learned.

Drawing the rune, really means only drawing it. It is not required to show its real power, but it must be drawn one time completely accurately, accurately enough so it can do its thing and unfold its effect completely.

-Schizu Ama
7th of october 2023

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