One shot

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Phayu was waiting for Rain at the campus parking lot. Rain didn't know that Phayu is there to pick him up. Phayu decided to surprise him.

"P'Phayu?" Phayu turn to the person who just called his name.

"Oh! Hey, Sky."

"Are you here to pick Rain up?"

"Mhm. Where is he?"

"He's going to the model room. He said he's going to bring his model home today. He wanted to add something before presenting to the professor." Sky said. Phayu just nod his head.

"Well then. I'll be going home first, phi. Bye."

"Bye. Drive safely. Send my regards to Pai."

"Will do, phi." As Sky was walking towards his car, he suddenly got a call from Rain.

"What is it, Rain?"

"Sky, something happened here. Can you please come?"

"Okay." Sky then hurriedly went back to Phayu.

"Phi, Rain just called. He said something happened." Without wasting anymore time, Sky and Phayu ran to the model room where the keep their house plan and design.

"I'm telling you I didn't do it. I was just picking it up!" Rain yelled.

"I know you have been jealous of me, Rain. But I didn't expect you to go this far!"

"Jealous of you for what? I was just here to pick up my model and I saw yours on the floor."

Phayu and Sky arrived at the room where Rain and Ple were arguing.

"What happened here?" Phayu started to ask.

"P'Phayu? What are you doing here?" Rain was surprise to see Phayu.

"P'Phayu, look at what Rain did. He destroyed my house model!" Ple said.

"I said I didn't do it! Stop accusing me!"

"You were the only one here, Rain. Stop making excuses. Just admit that you did it."

"Why should I admit to something I didn't do. You must be out of your mind!"

"Rain, don't raise your voice. Just apologize and help Ple to rebuild her model." Phayu said.

"But, I didn't do anything to it, phi. She was just accusing me out of nowhere!"

"Rain! The model will not be on the floor if no one purposely trying to destroy it. Just apologize and let's go. We're going to stop by the stationary shop and you're going to help Ple to rebuild her model."

"You're accusing me too, phi? You believe her more than your own boyfriend?" Rain said.

"I'm not accusing you. As a friend, you should just apologize instead of making things complicated. I'm disappointed in you, Rain." That shocked Rain.

"Fine! Believe her for all I care! Just to let you know, phi. I will never go low as destroying someone's model. That is far below me!" Rain said and turn to Ple who had a smug look on her face.

"And you. I will never apologize or admit to something I didn't do. So fuck you. Fuck both of you!" Rain started to carry his model and walk out leaving Phayu and Ple behind.

"Let's go, Sky." Rain said and Sky just follow him.

"Rain, wait!" Phayu ran and stop in front of Rain.

"Get out of the way, phi. Go back to her and help her if you want."

"Rain, let's not do things like this." Phayu said.

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