Crazy family Chapter 2

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The group's father: "I also want to know why BellaAnna was in prison"

Grandpa: "Yeah"

Older daughter: "S... your drunk"

Grandson: "Same"

Group Daddy:"No"

Baby: "What"

Little boy: "And"

Annabel (little boy's girl): "So I was in prison w? Vapsjee."

Group Daddy: "What What"

Annabel (baby girl): "Why didn't I know"

The group's father: "Hey you dropped the soap, baby. There were 100 men behind you"

Annabel (baby girl): "Meh"

Baby: "Ahhhhha"

Annabel (baby girl): "Nope"

The group's father: "Jap. I saw it on the camera"

Annabel (baby girl): "What do you mean"

Older daughter: "Don't you think @...."

Annabel (little boy's girl): "Well, it would be better"

The group's father: "Say it anyway. He dropped the soap there"

Baby: "What are you doing"

Annabel (little girl): "Let's sit. Laura is eating soap"

Group Daddy: "No"

Annabel (little boy's girl): "And foaming there"

Group Daddy: "BellaAnna Drops the Soap in Jail"

Annabel (baby girl): "Mkm"

Older daughter: "What's wrong with your so-called lover, and @Grupp's father is foaming at the mouth of Petseri"

Annabel (little boy's girl): "Well n..."

Little daughter: "Breaks the paragraph too. I'm crying*"

The group's father: "Ahhh. Why are you crying, it's serious"

Older daughter: "F... @Group's father what are you cheating @Emme (Daddy's kiss)"

Older daughter: "F... himself gave birth to several children for you @Gruppi daddy and you are cheating on @Emme (daddy's kiss) with an invisible lover"

Annabel (little son's girl): "Laura, you have a family quarrel here"

Group Daddy: "No"

Annabel (little son's girl): "Haha cherry xD"

The group's father: "Hey sheep be quiet"

Annabel (Little Son's Girl): "Sheep"

Group Daddy: "Sheep"

The group's father: "Määääää"

Group Daddy: "Whatever"

The group's daddy: "BellaAnna's is bad"

Annabel (little son's girl): "It is"

Annabel (little son's girl): "Finally you understood"

The group's father: "Because she lives in Toila at the top of the tree"

Little daughter: "She's annabell"

Group daddy: "Learn! She's BELLAANNA"

little son: "Yes"

Little Daughter: "Be Whatever"

Annabel (little son's girl): "I'm martin really"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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