Roa grew serious at that, " what, what is it , what did he do, do you want me to get him for you?", she started to stand up but I quickly held her hand.

" no!, no! I never want to see that bastard again!", I screamed angry.

I didn't care that I was older at that moment nothing changed the fact that Richard cheated on me, used me , lied to me and planing to discard me like some broken toy. Just cause I was nice didn't mean I wouldn't be hurt by what he was about to do.

Roa looked mad she quickly hugged me pulling me towards her. It was then that I noticed the guys behind roa and I didn't know how to react.

" what...hic...what are you guys doing ...hic ?", I asked trying to calm my self down. I didn't want to look weak infront of them. This was so embarrassing were they here since the start?

Roa pulled me by the shoulders again bringing my face towards hers, " don't mind them tell me what did that bastard do I will make sure he will never be able to walk again just tell your big sister and she will take care of it ". Roa looked so scary at that moment but I didn't feel scared I felt warm, safe. I looked behind her seeing the marauders looking uncomfortable and I didn't know if I should say something right now.

I felt a hand on my right knees taking my attention from them. It was lius I rested my head on his shoulders my hands held roa's as I told them everything I saw in Lockhart memories.

After I was done I felt calm and that's when the guilt started to sip in.

Roa seemed to have read my thoughts as she gently placed her hands on my cheeks, " you have the right to be angry no matter who Richard is Rita it will never change the fact that he cheated... so you have every right to confront have every right to feel betrayed or angry ok ", she said wiping the tears off my face.

I nodded

A loud crash look my attention I could see a broken vase against a wall it was James, " I will kill him, how dare he !", he screamed.

Remus tried to calm him down

" no Remus how could he do that to Rita, he is so lucky to even have been in her presence let alone date her and this is what he does ", he picks up another vase and breaks that too.

Just when I thought Remus would calm him down he said something different

" that's not what I meant, wouldn't it be better to just go beat up Carter then waste time breaking a vases here", he says still looking calm as if he was talking about the weather, that felt more scary right now.

A certain laugh caught my attention it was Sirius, " oh Remy I couldn't have worded it better, I will prank him so bad he would want to drop out of Hogwarts ", he said with an evil smile on his face rubbing his like a villain.

" so when do we start ?", asked peter holding his fist up in a threatening manner.

I couldn't help it I stared laughing and once I started i couldn't stop.

I slowly stood up walked towards James before giving him a hug I them started to pull him towards Remus then towards Sirius and Peter I gave them a group hug while laughing which then turned into crying

" hey roa do you think she finally lost it ?", I heard lius ask.

" I don't think so, at least not yet, definitely not over a stupid guy, no it would take a lot more then that to take down Rita", she said almost sounding proud.

But I ignored them I slowly pulled away looking at the guy, "I really missed you guys", I said with watery eyes.

" we missed you too", they said.

Then James picked me up twirling me around, " oh Rita you have no idea how much we missed you, it was so hard seeing you everyday and not being able to approach you, we wanted to tell you alot of thing, show you a bunch of stuff . . ." , but he was cut off my Remus, " stop it James your going to give her a headache ", he said as he snatches me from James holding me close I felt at peace when I was in his arms. If felt nice like last night.

But then Sirius snatched me away carrying me bridal style as he run around the room with me but James soon cought up to him taking me from him and putting me on my feet besides peter who simply held my hand giving me a reassuring squeeze.

I didn't know what happens after my body felt exhausted and I soon passed out.

. . .

In the middle of night at the infirmary a group people could be seen huddling around an unconscious person. They talking in hushed voices so as not to wake the person asleep.

" so we have agreed ", said a male voice. It was Snape the best potion student.

The rest nodded along

In this night gathered lily evans the best at charms, roa great at Arithmancy, lius best at magical creatures, james best in flying and transfiguration, Sirius best in dark arts and herbology, peter the best artist and actor and Remus the best in defense.

All have gathered around a sleeping Rita ready to in act their revenge on behalf of their sleeping friend, sister, rival and companion.

Richard Carter wouldn't know what hit him.

And that's another chapter I have thought a bit and realized I update best when I feel like it. For example like this three days I wanted to collect updates but I felt unmotivated but today once I started I couldn't stop so you get two updates.

Next chapter would be about the revenge and end of fifth year I have decided to end sixth and seven year in two chapters. Then we will start the war arc.

Thank you for reading!

It's always appreciated:)

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