The Flying Fox

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Peter smoothly lands the Batwing and expertly shuts off the engine, the aircraft's roar now silenced.

"Do you really have vehicles hidden around Gotham, Mr. Parker?" Storm inquired, her curiosity piqued as she leaned forward in her seat.

"Yeah," Peter responded confidently, as he gently brought the plane to rest and leaped out.

The two mutants followed suit, their eyes scanning the surroundings. They exchanged puzzled glances, both turning their attention to the enigmatic bat-themed vigilante.

"What are we looking at?" Psylocke asked, a furrow forming on her brow. Peter couldn't help but smirk at their bewilderment.

"You'll see," Peter replied with a hint of mystery, tapping a button on his wrist gauntlet.

Suddenly, the veil of invisibility lifted, revealing a colossal, uncloaked aircraft - the Flying Fox - in all its magnificent glory.

Suddenly, the veil of invisibility lifted, revealing a colossal, uncloaked aircraft - the Flying Fox - in all its magnificent glory

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Marvel Omniverse: Earth DCM-616, Parker Estate

Julie marveled in astonishment. "So he finally finished it."

Teresa, intrigued, questioned, "What's so special about that?"

"Pete's been working on the Flying Fox since his first year as Batman." Gwen explained.

"And after nine years, he's finally finished it." Jessica added.

Template Earth

The two mutants gazed at the impressive aircraft, their admiration evident.

"Impressive." Storm remarked.

"Thank you, Ms. Monroe." Peter acknowledged, opening the ramp door to the Flying Fox.

As the trio stepped inside the aircraft, the mutants explored the interior. Psylocke's attention was drawn to Peter's workbench, where she noticed a framed picture.

"If you don't mind, I'll go take a shower." Peter informed them.

"Go ahead, Mr. Parker." Storm replied with a nod. Peter smiled in gratitude and headed to his bedroom.

Once Peter had left, Psylocke settled onto the workbench and picked up the framed picture. It was a snapshot of Peter with some girl Dani.

"Who's she?" Storm asked, studying the photograph.

"Probably his daughter, Ororo," Psylocke speculated.

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