Chapter 14: Sad Boy Angst Hours

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It had been almost two weeks since the Tonks family had adopted Tom Richards. To say he was a strange 14-year-old would be an understatement. He was polite enough, but Andromeda couldn't help but notice the cold looks he'd give the family when their backs were turned. He despised Quidditch, that was enough to make Ted distant from him, what else do teenage boys like these days? Nymphadora wanted to deck his room out with him and add some colour, but when asked Tom had said he didn't have a favourite colour! Honestly!

Tonks POV

"Ah, Dora, nice to see you've made it,"

"Wotcher, Remus, everything set up for the meeting yet?"

"I think it'll be another minute or so, I heard your parents had some nice news?"

"Yeah, they've found a kid to adopt, he's Harry's age so he'll be in Hogwarts with him,"

"That's nice, what's his name?"

"Tom, he's a bit weird though, dad says he doesn't like Quidditch!"

"Well, I was never one who participated in Quidditch,"

"Yes, but he lit his broom alight with accidental magic when dad tried to teach him!"

"He can't help if he's afraid of heights, Dora,"

"He climbed onto the roof to get OUT of pudding! I had made it myself…"

"Certainly an odd boy, but he did come from the orphan plan, God knows how long he could've been homeless, besides you're not the best baker in the world,"

"Alright, Lupin, whatever you say, I think they're ready for us now,"


He had received his Hogwarts letter that morning and Andromeda had promised to get his things from Diagon Alley when she went there with some of her friends next Wednesday. After finding that room in Godrics Hollow, Tom had been filled with sorrow; now he just felt sick, and when he didn’t feel sick, he felt empty. Maybe he was coming down with something? Maybe it was just the guilt. Memories played over in his head, whenever he felt like this Harry had always told him it wasn’t his fault, but now (though indirectly) it was. His clone - a replica of him minus the love he felt for Harry - had killed Harry’s parents. It was his fault.

Tom cried soft, silent tears into his pillow, Nymphadora was still insisting that he decorate but he never cared for personal touches. If you got too attached to something, then you’d be sadder to see it go. Of course, he’d gotten attached to Harry. But Harry was different. Harry would never leave him, Harry loved him. He loved someone who’d done so much to hurt him in his life. How he did it Tom would never know. When he thought about it he couldn’t even look in the mirror. It was okay if he suffered, though, he deserved it for all the years Harry has and would spend orphaned. He was going to be better, he wouldn’t do what his other self has done. He would still kill, Merlin he’d kill anyone for Harry. But he’d never orphan another child.

In the living room, Tom heard the floo go off and the crashing that he’d learnt to be Nymphadora. He didn’t understand how someone could be so clumsy. Said girl then came marching into his room, carrying at least half a dozen different types of wizarding sweets and chocolate.

“Hello Nymphadora,” she looked irritated at the name but shook her head and began to speak.

“Wanna eat these and set off some fireworks?”

“What’s the occasion?”

“Harry Potter’s got all charges cleared off his trial today,”


“Just some stupid underage magic stuff, nothing really illegal,”

“Right, well I’ll pass, fireworks give me headaches,” After he said that, she seemed to see red, storming out of the room. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so harsh, she had been expecting a normal 14-year-old not one who is actually 15 and carrying a lot of baggage.

Though he didn't understand why he'd have to change just so they would like him. He was only living in their house, he wasn't looking to form an attachment. Tom wondered what had happened to make Harry perform underage magic. There was nothing mentioned in their long conversations about Harry's life here that led him to believe Harry would try something stupid that could expose the wizarding world. This was a query for another day, he would compose himself and head off to Godrics Hollow for another night of fixing.

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